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  1. cannabitch81

    I Won The Weed Lottery!

    There were 5 of us, so we sent back the dork of the group. The rest of us took turns getting high in the port o potty. Would'nt have been the first time i stole from him, i used to raid his desk for change
  2. cannabitch81

    I Won The Weed Lottery!

    I was getting ready for a camping trip and found a quarter in the ashtray of the shared car my brother had taken out the night before. My friends and i got really ripped before our 3 hour drive to our campsite, when we got there we realized we forgot the tent poles!!! :)
  3. cannabitch81

    I Miss The 90s

    I can barely afford to drive around the block now...lmao Kris Kross will make ya jump jump :))
  4. cannabitch81

    I Miss The 90s

    The 90s rocked, great music, easy to great dressed in the morning, 99 cent gas, and smoking bud out of a foil pipe in the bathroom at the mall...Those were the