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  1. N0iZ

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Bump bump-ty-dy bump:joint::mrgreen: Yea I'm pretty up there... ...:eyesmoke:..:weed:..:hump:
  2. N0iZ

    3 Word Story

    & kindest buds
  3. N0iZ

    1994 summer tour greatful dead shirt, 16yo. should i ever wear this?

    I say rock that shit! But take good care of it.
  4. N0iZ

    Simple Game...

    John McCain
  5. N0iZ

    What do the Easter eggs symbolize?

    Agreed. Give me food and I'll keep quiet.:sleep:
  6. N0iZ

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Thought these were funny :lol:
  7. N0iZ

    happy near year

    HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! I hope this year brings you the best of luck and biggest of yields! As for you audi, try not to dwell of the negative. think positive. you have a whole new year to make of what you wish of it. I feel for ya man, my girl split with me just under a week ago and I'm kinda...
  8. N0iZ

    Best thing in the world that costs less than $1

    true love. cause love don't coast a thing :)
  9. N0iZ

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Thought this was rather humorous :lol: -k4j-cVlUY0&feature
  10. N0iZ

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    I once did this to like every stop sign in my town with in a span of a week. Oh the good ol' times when we were young and stupid :joint::mrgreen:
  11. N0iZ

    Wavy Gravy

    Yes, I met him at the Philadelphia Folk Fest a number of years ago. I can't remember too much about him on the account I was only maybe 12 at the time. But I do remember him shacking my hand and telling me a knock knock joke. I know it was Wavy Gravy because he also did a show type of deal in...
  12. N0iZ

    It burns when I piss . . .

    I think your just high and either pay more attention to the burning or piss faster thus making it burn. In my opinion, you got nothing to worry about. Next time to take a piss while high try and keep a steady and slow stream, if that makes any sense. If it still hurts, then go to your doc.
  13. N0iZ

    New To Vegetarian Cooking

    Thanks Johnny. I went to my local Barns&Noble and pick up a few vegetarian cook books, including The Moosewood Cookbook that you recommended. I am generally excited to start cooking my dinner tonight. Oh, and as far as other people getting there panties in a twist. I'm not to worried about it...
  14. N0iZ

    New To Vegetarian Cooking

    Don't really know if this is the right section for this topic, but I thought it better to be here rather than Toke n Talk. So, I have thought about going vegetarian for a while now and last week I finally decided to do something about it. I'm not the type of guy who just quits cold turkey (no...
  15. N0iZ

    I Once.

    I once made a ship in a bottle. Took me a little over two weeks.
  16. N0iZ

    I Once.

    I once.....woke up to my friend unbuttoning my pants. After finding out several of my friends woke up to the same experience. I confronted him about it, and told him to never show his face around my circle of friends again, or I will call the police. He hasn't..
  17. N0iZ

    Job plus dirty = detox

    dude, i use to work at an applebees, and though i dont know where you live or how your applebees is run. i can tell you that out of all the different stores i worked at (3) not a one of them ever tested me, and i would show up blazed out of my mind, or worse. dont sweat it :cool:
  18. N0iZ

    The Largest Street Gang in America - Everyone should watch this! Protect Yourself!

    Three words... FUCK THE POLICE:finger:
  19. N0iZ

    Have you ever found weed?

    I once found a whole ounce of some real primo bud in a bathroom stall at a philles game. Needless to say my friends and I hot boxed our car the whole way home :bigjoint: