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  1. topfuel29

    Flowering help! Anybody take a look!

    Your In-Box is Full. Tried to send you a message the other day.
  2. topfuel29

    what strain is a knock out kind of high?

    If your an advanced smoker looking for a Higher----HIGH make some Honey oil out of some decent buds. Put a few drops or a bunch on a good bowl of smoke. It'll put you down. Good for night time buzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........ Good Luck on Your Grow.
  3. topfuel29

    Calcium Deficiency

    IMO- Try it. I would have a PPM/TDS meter to see how much exactly your giving her. (If just Cal/Mag is in your stuff you have) If you don't see results in a week or less then invest in a bottle of Cal/Mag as mentioned is a excellent idea. Good Luck on Your Grow
  4. topfuel29

    Best 3 tasting strains in your opinion. Go

    Acapulco Gold. Grown in Hydro Taste Great right to the last hit. Good Luck on Your Grow
  5. topfuel29

    uvb lighting

    I've used UVB lights in the past. They work, but You need to keep the UVB lights close to the plant. Every couple of days rotate the plant or move the UVB light. IMO- Your further off to increase trichrome production chemically. It's a lot cheaper, easier, better results than a UVB light. I use...
  6. topfuel29

    Any way to completely eliminate smells?

    If you can seal off your grow groom. And have negative air pressure. You can duct the smell to the roof or outside. The attic works to. with out a carbon filter. Good Luck on Your Grow
  7. topfuel29

    Nutes needed to clone.

    Nutrients for a Cutting. You can use water, but this will take longer, and the success rate drops. You can do a soil layer but like the water it takes a long time and the success rate isn't high. IMO- Get a small bottle of "Rapid Start" General Hydroponics makes it. It's the best in my Opinion...
  8. topfuel29

    Can I bring her back?

    LoL BUDS... The death certificate. That's a good one. OP- Might try to bury that plant in a Indian Burial Ground.
  9. topfuel29

    Any new grow competitions going on ?

    you should start the "Pot Olympics" :):weed:
  10. topfuel29

    How Much THC is in a Female, Non-Flowering Plant?

    What ever cannabinoids that are under THC IMO- The older the plant the higher those level are. I smoked some leaf @20 years ago one summer waiting for the crop to come in. Some of that leaf was a pretty decent high. Really Tripppppy :)
  11. topfuel29

    How Much THC is in a Female, Non-Flowering Plant?

    Right on Man. That's the best answer I've heard. Good way of putting it.
  12. topfuel29

    Soil to Hydroponics

    They both have there advantages, and dis-advantages. As mentioned if you don't have a green thumb in soil hydro isn't any easier. Save your money and make your own bubble ponics system. It's easy to do. you can find some guides here in the "DIY" section of the forum. Don't waste your money on...
  13. topfuel29

    How Much THC is in a Female, Non-Flowering Plant?

    -NoNe- THC is only formed in the Trichromes. Before flower the plant only has lower cannabinoids. Good Luck on all your Grows
  14. topfuel29

    What is Snow Storm Ultra?

    I just use it in flower, I double the dose. You will see results man. Humbolt makes sum good stuff IMO yah the ultra is "Purple Max"
  15. topfuel29

    six inch blower help Ventech brand

    I'd send it back Bro. IMO- You get what you pay for. Good Luck on Your Grow
  16. topfuel29

    What is Snow Storm Ultra?

    It increases trichrome production. Works great on most strains. 5 ml. gallon like once a week in flower. you can foliar feed it to. It's some good shit. for $2 i hope you didn't get some old crap. Good Luck on Your Grow
  17. topfuel29

    Pistils Turning Reddish

    After fertilization the pistol will die.
  18. topfuel29

    How to make Bubble Hash

    The more your hash bubbles the better the hash. why they call it bubble hash. IMO- don't mix your material to much. Get a rope so you can tie your bags up and let them filter. Good Luck my Friend.
  19. topfuel29

    Pistils Turning Reddish

    Normal. Just means it's not viable any more. Your plant is maturing. It's a good sign. Good Luck on Your Grow
  20. topfuel29

    feeding scehedule

    I had the Bio-Bizz line a few years ago. You yield @ an Ounce less than using chemical nutrients. It is a good nutrient to start out with, less pH problems than chemical nutrients, and you don't need to flush at the end of flower. Don't water/Feed on a schedule. Only water/Feed when the plant...