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  1. topfuel29

    storing seeds

    The colder you can get the seed the longer it will be viable. In the Lab. They use Liquid Nitrogen Freezers for long term storage, Lab Freezers, and Fridges Depending on what your doing with the seed. Fluctuation in Temperature, and Humidity takes away from the seeds viability You never want to...
  2. topfuel29

    about the UVB light!

    Some decent videos about THC/UVB and % from the "Grow Show", Enjoy...
  3. topfuel29

    about the UVB light!

    Run your UVB light with your flowering light cycle. As mentioned, you need to keep the UVB light close to the plant. Rotate the plant, or move the UVB light every couple of days. Some Strains produce more trichromes than others. Results may vary. -Or- Buy a bottle of Humboldts "Snow Storm"...
  4. topfuel29

    Who uses Root Riot plugs? Best method for popping seeds?

    Scuff the seeds. float the seeds in a cloning/rooting solution until they drop. 12-24 hrs. Moist the paper towel with the cloning/rooting solution. Zip-lock bag 12-24 hrs warm, dark place, you should have germination. Use a tweezers never touch your seeds. Transplant the sprouts to the grow...
  5. topfuel29

    Not sure if normal.

    23 days in, little container, I agree they need a transplant. IMO- get some Cal/Mag give it to your plants a couple times a month as a preventative measure. Good Luck on Your Grow.
  6. topfuel29

    How long should a 3 gallon retain water

    Pick your containers up, when they get light in weight water. or When you leaves start to droop give them some water. You can also water from the bottom of the container if you have a saucer. Fill the saucer with water until the plant has absorbed what it wants. Dump the excess water from the...
  7. topfuel29

    would a 150 watt hps work for this size tent?

    I agree, The More Light The Better.:bigjoint: Calculate the Lumens per square foot with what ever light you want to go with. 2000 Lumens Sq. Ft. is the Low end 6000 Lumens Sq. Ft. is the High end Don't forget about the "Inverse Square Rule" The Farther away the light the more Lumens drop off...
  8. topfuel29

    Pretty sure this is a magnesium deficiency?

    white leaf tips are a good indicator of a Magnesium deficiency. A magnesium deficient plant is identified by intervenial chlorosis, necrosis, and eventually a lockout of plant nutrients. The problems starts at the bottom of the plants and works it’s way up. Chlorophyll has the same structure...
  9. topfuel29

    very low humidity!!! help!!

    IMO- I agree, I wouldn't worry about low Humidity. Now high humidity can be a big problem the plant comes to stop with transpiration. Good Luck with Your Grow.
  10. topfuel29

    How long do seeds keep?

    Store your seeds in the fridge or the freezer. In a tin or some other container. Temperature fluctuation, humidity fluctuation mess with the seeds viability. Good Luck on Your Grow.
  11. topfuel29

    How many lumens do I need?

    Right on Hardening off for sun light. I always say "The more Light the Better" Good Luck on Your Grow.
  12. topfuel29

    THC - only found in trichs?

    Marijuana Man explains it all in this video.
  13. topfuel29

    12/12 Hours of Operation?

    In the summer time I run at Night, In the Winter I run during the day. It's pretty cold where I live in the winter. During the Summer some days can get pretty hot, even into the night with the A/C running. I'll run a 10/14 ten On 14 Off on those really hot days/Nights You can run a little cooler...
  14. topfuel29

    Look at the trichomes :)

    Hope this helps you out. Good Luck on Your Grow
  15. topfuel29

    Overcrowded flower room Q

    Start staggering Plants, If you can Every Month, or sooner you can harvest a plant. You'll always have some Smoke :bigjoint: Good Luck on Your Grow
  16. topfuel29

    Too long veg (again)

    Lay your plants down, or on an angle. I use "Bush Master" in Flower it stops plant elongation. (Stretch) Good Luck on Your Grow.
  17. topfuel29

    Carbonated water in mini humidifier

    You don't want to give your roots Co2. Your root system uses oxygen. I agree with making a poor mans Co2 generator. That's if you have a closed in area that isn't to big. Good Luck on Your Grow.
  18. topfuel29

    Bleaching leads to purple? with pics

    Purple patches on the leaves Phosphorus deficiency. Pic 2 Pic 1 looks like a (P) def. and a Magnesium def. as to why? you'll have to make sure everything is where it should be, pH, soil temps, your feeding schedule. over watering. Keep in mind marijuana loves Phosphorus. Good Luck on Your Grow.
  19. topfuel29

    Growing MORE Females from Seed

    LoL I don't know about all of that "Mumbo-Jumbo" :bigjoint: Sex of the seed is determined the moment the egg is fertilized. In Cannabis you can expect a 50:50 Ratio of Females/Males If you want more female seeds, you'd have to use feminized methods to produce that.
  20. topfuel29

    snow storm ultra is this stuff anygood

    IMO- it's the best thing out there to increase trichrome production. I use it all the time. Good Luck on Your