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  1. Frisko

    Do cats eat cannibas?

    My cat took a good bite of one of the leaves, I don't think it liked the taste cause it stopped eating from it :o
  2. Frisko

    First time growing

    You do not need any kind of light to germ your seeds, but as soon as they are germed you should get some light on them and a 400 watt MH sounds good I'd pop them under a 400 watt when they hit flowerings, good luck.
  3. Frisko

    What type of deficiency

    ​What's ur Ppm at? looks like it could use a flush.
  4. Frisko

    yellowing from bottom up wont stop HELP PLZ

    Happened a to me too, I just flushed them and added nutes after flushing.
  5. Frisko

    First timer needing help (ebb & flow)

    Phosphorus def, and why would u feed it 4 times a day?
  6. Frisko

    just harvested one of the girls

    ​Very nice! :o
  7. Frisko

    Root issue

    Did you have a wank on your roots? (jking) Sorry I have no idea what's up with it.
  8. Frisko

    Harvest Question....thoughts please!

    Sweet dude, I'm also growing Liberty Haze, I really thought I was the only one lol ;)
  9. Frisko

    How bad did i do

    What a waste of time buddy.
  10. Frisko

    sexing help

    Sorry buddy, you've got a male.
  11. Frisko

    Wondering what a reliable humidifier would be for my small CGE closet grow?

    If you want to do it it right, atleast get some proper light.
  12. Frisko

    Cutting leaf tips

    Clones or someone who have had nutrient burn so they just take the tip off cause it's all brown n shit.
  13. Frisko

    looking for slow veg and short plants

    Liberty haze they're like 50% Sativa 50% Indica or so I've read lol.
  14. Frisko


    Get a room.
  15. Frisko

    Wondering what a reliable humidifier would be for my small CGE closet grow?

    If it's 16"x16" I would say there's not enough space for a humidifier if you also want ur plant to be there. And why would you have such a small "tent" there's not even room enough for a plant is there?
  16. Frisko

    first time grow

    and give it a fresh paint :)
  17. Frisko

    first time grow

    Just be careful about that foil, it reflects the heat from the bulb and maybe it will burn your plants, I'd take the foil down since the walls inside of your speaker already is white and that should be good enough for the reflection :) I really like the idea good luck on your grow!
  18. Frisko

    Why is my 20 day old seedling puffy and seems like really slow

    upload the pictures to your computer, then shows us emmmmm.
  19. Frisko

    Wondering what a reliable humidifier would be for my small CGE closet grow?

    Wtf does this have to do with a humidifier?
  20. Frisko

    holes in leaves!!!

    I didn't say anything about the holes, I was talking about the few white dots I could see on the picture number 2.