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  1. Zerox1215

    Attitude October promo droped Blueberry Gum?

    My package says it's in Jamaica NY
  2. Zerox1215

    Attitude October promo droped Blueberry Gum?

    I just got this email Hi there Your gum will be added. Many Thanks Rachel The Attitude
  3. Zerox1215

    Attitude October promo droped Blueberry Gum?

    I ordered my seeds on the Oct 1 it's says on royal mail flying overseas n it's been dispatched to USPS
  4. Zerox1215

    molasses and nutrients?

    I use them together...but on the next watering just molasses..
  5. Zerox1215

    WTF caterpillars help!!!!

  6. Zerox1215

    how to kill green caterpillars.? and eliminate their leavings!!????

    I jus found these fuckers 2day as well.. I'm about 6 1/2 weeks into flowering is there anything I can do.?
  7. Zerox1215

    WTF caterpillars help!!!!

    I found 4 caterpillars 3 small ones n the other 1 was 2 times bigger then the others..they fucked up about 3 grams.. What can i do.? Someone help.. My plants 6 1/2 weeks into flowering..
  8. Zerox1215

    Is this N def.?(Pics)

    That's sucks but my other is green turnig into purple..
  9. Zerox1215

    Is this N def.?(Pics)

    Yes it's outdoor It's only about 3 weeks into flowering.. This weather is wack for me we had a 115° day n 89° night yesterday that shits sucks.. If they do that I'll take pictures for sure
  10. Zerox1215

    Is this N def.?(Pics)

    I live in LA the temps at night have been 76-83° the past 3 days..
  11. Zerox1215

    Is this N def.?(Pics)

    Can anyone help
  12. Zerox1215

    Is this N def.?(Pics)

    Is this N def or bugs please help..
  13. Zerox1215

    It's 111° in Downtown L.A.

    Should I put my plants in the shade.?
  14. Zerox1215

    How far along can a female plant be pollinated by a hermie.?

    I have 2 plants that are well into flowering one is about 7 weeks into flowering and the other is about 5weeks..I think i have a hermie about 2 weeks into flowering can I pollinate my other plants.?
  15. Zerox1215

    How many weeks left.?(PICS)

    Yea I jus thought it was done cus all the leaves where yellow.. I'm gonna wait about two weeks on the big plant..
  16. Zerox1215

    How many weeks left.?(PICS)

    How do they look
  17. Zerox1215

    How many weeks left.?(PICS)

    How do they look.?
  18. Zerox1215

    How many weeks left.?(PICS)

    I harvested the one with the autumning leaves 2day cus all the leaves were completely yellow... Heres the nugs..