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  1. tlsdrm73

    today i got ROBBED!

    i had 2,200 dollars stollen from me on my birthday at my own party with only my friends....found out who it was...took the tires off his car, and sold his wheels for $2,300 and made a buck off his dumb ass....he came around tryin to fuck with my shit a couple weeks ago and i stepped outside with...
  2. tlsdrm73

    Bout to start flower in a couple days...prep advice?

    how long am i looking at for the stretch? 2 weeks? so do i need to give a light dosage of PBgro AND PBbloom??? this is all very frustrating. they are showing a little bit of yellowing in the new growth, and there is some twisting going on, possibly lack of N and Mg?? so if i add low dosage...
  3. tlsdrm73

    Bout to start flower in a couple days...prep advice?

    ok! so i'm gonna flip to 12/12 in 2 days... my plants have been in this FFOF/perlite/hydroton for 17 days now. FFOF is supposed to have enough nutes in the soil to last for up to 30 days with just water to wash the nutes across the roots. what all do i need to do to prepare them for...
  4. tlsdrm73

    ITS TIME!!! grapefruit, bubblegum, widow haze, trainwreck!!!

    the only way to learn is to just ask i guess. i'm not a book kinda guy...i like getting a thorough explanation to a question i asked ya kno? as far as time only constraint at this point to is to stock up on enough great herb to last me and my friends til our lungs cant take...
  5. tlsdrm73

    ITS TIME!!! grapefruit, bubblegum, widow haze, trainwreck!!!

    ::bubblesvoice:: oh no theres dam helococksuckers up there
  6. tlsdrm73

    ITS TIME!!! grapefruit, bubblegum, widow haze, trainwreck!!!

    hahaha miles! i love of the best shows on tv and it aint even on in the US :) as for my "perp" cycle...i haven't gotten it started just yet but i got a buddy with clones for me of another strain and i was thinkin bout clonin a few of these and vegin em out in the veg room under a...
  7. tlsdrm73

    ITS TIME!!! grapefruit, bubblegum, widow haze, trainwreck!!!

    anybody out there? or am i just wasting my time/security
  8. tlsdrm73

    ITS TIME!!! grapefruit, bubblegum, widow haze, trainwreck!!!

    ok so heres my thinking. i'm thinking that i should put these babies into flower in 6 days. i need something comin in asap cuz i'm a little behind my schedule of trying to get 2 harvest in before the end of the year. the little ones around the outside are my little future mothers that i brought...
  9. tlsdrm73

    ITS TIME!!! grapefruit, bubblegum, widow haze, trainwreck!!!

    bump up bump up and get down, bump around
  10. tlsdrm73

    ITS TIME!!! grapefruit, bubblegum, widow haze, trainwreck!!!

    Things are lookin good in my happy green world right now. they are SKYROCKETING!! i'm thinkin about starting to flower on the 15th (one week from now) what do yall think? they've only been in this soil for 12 days...i hope the nutes in foxfarm won't interfere with starting the flowering process...
  11. tlsdrm73

    should i be spraying my plants?

    hahaha yes i meant for my plants. i was pretty fuckin stoned, phrasing was off lol my bad
  12. tlsdrm73

    should i be spraying my plants?

    huh? yes...but huh? is there reason to believe other wise?
  13. tlsdrm73

    should i be spraying my plants?

    LUDO!!! lol that post was your 69th hahahahaha!! congrats! that alone earned you +rep! i'm gonna give em some o dat before they wake up :)
  14. tlsdrm73

    should i be spraying my plants?

    so would it be appropriate to just spray them with straight water right now?
  15. tlsdrm73

    should i be spraying my plants?

    ...if so how often...and with what? i'm 3 weeks into veg in ffof under 750w hps ph runnin about 6.6-7.0 i've heard many different things and thought i should ask the gen public!
  16. tlsdrm73

    watering question...need help

    btw upthearsenal....the pic in your that some white widow? that looks EXACTLY like my nug i grew years back that i monstercropped
  17. tlsdrm73

    watering question...need help

    thats kinda wut i always figured...i just wanna make sure my babies are getting the best a father could give ya kno? u wouldn't wanna give your kid a rotten banana rot of nutrients, you'd want to give them a sweet fresh ripe banana so they can receive the nourishments their body needs...
  18. tlsdrm73

    watering question...need help

    so i've been letting my water sit out for 24+ hours now and i'm about to water my plants for the 2nd time. they are all about 12" tall and i guess my question is should i pH my water before i feed them? if so then what should i pH them to?:joint:
  19. tlsdrm73

    ITS TIME!!! grapefruit, bubblegum, widow haze, trainwreck!!!

    ya thats what i'm starting to work with...i think its one of those things that you gotta get comfortable with and get better at over time. and ya i've been watering til i see that run off than PULL OUT!!! lol