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  1. DMTER

    acid stories

    Rainbow Gathering...LSD...DMT...Crazy!!!!!! thats my story hope to repeat this year
  2. DMTER

    Wealth distribution in the US

    nobody puts a gun to your head to work for 25c above minimum willingly entered into an agreement considered beneficial to both parties...and if you/they don't like it create your own or go work for another company...but complaining about the barely minimum wage folks get for low...
  3. DMTER

    Shouldn't States Rights bring us together?

    Your a funny guy...appreciate it!
  4. DMTER

    Shouldn't States Rights bring us together?

    yup...and the misogynistic undertones really get under peoples skins..huh?
  5. DMTER

    Shouldn't States Rights bring us together?

    Should have listened to Nancy Reagan..huh?
  6. DMTER

    Ideas for small business?

    smartphone repair homie...I run an all apple repair shop and there is money to be made....repairs, buying and selling....upgrades... If you can work on small electronics then you are set...this stuff is easy replacing a screen is cake...if you can get into board level repairs then you start...
  7. DMTER

    Wealth distribution in the US

    ^:wall: Kinda missed it didn't you...
  8. DMTER

    Wealth distribution in the US

    Honestly (if you can) you see the Glass-Steagall act as a bigger player in the whole mortgage passthroughs then the boys at the Fed and HUD????? Mortgage originators would not have been able to do shit without record low interest rates and there would not have been that big of a push towards...
  9. DMTER

    Wealth distribution in the US

    Fed changes to Regulation T, The SMMEA, The Housing and Community Development Act of 1992, Hud encouragement of housing for low income folk….and those wonderful GSE's not to mention when the dot com bubble happened what else did Keynesian economists have to do but create another asset bubble and...
  10. DMTER

    Wealth distribution in the US

    Great so you can use big/obscure words, I'm glad we got that out of the way…. Now what I was eluding to in the post regarding your cute charts is the fact that your Keynesian stimulus was only needed because of gov influence and encouragement in MBS and many other asset bubbles (barely...
  11. DMTER

    Wealth distribution in the US

    I concede...the Gov really knows whats best when it comes to economic issues, maybe we could just get rid of free enterprise altogether and all just live off the gov... ***insert meme*** I haven't been around for awhile so just a question for you believe gov is the answer or the problem?
  12. DMTER

    Wealth distribution in the US

    ^ That is the most ridiculous facial expression I have seen in awhile... Thanks for the cute charts though!
  13. DMTER

    growing and women

    Honestly if you are big...its not worth the risk. Smaller grows sure you are fine...for the most part I would just keep it hush...when you meet the right person they will understand, and should not be upset because you attempted to protect yourself. I met my wife while growing and I was a...
  14. DMTER

    Wealth distribution in the US

    Take a look at what happened to apple without Steve Jobs...poor example I think
  15. DMTER

    Wealth distribution in the US

    Great, so you have shown me that Gov made a series of malinvestments that will just perpetuate the business cycles we see. I honestly just see the Gov destroying my savings with that chart you are showing me....and I know I will pay for it sooner or later...maybe...just maybe if the gov was...
  16. DMTER

    Wealth distribution in the US

    Because Keynesian economics works.....:wall:
  17. DMTER

    Wealth distribution in the US

    You know what I have found over and over is that the folks who advocate for for higher pay for others are actually doing it for themselves...I used to feel I was entitled to a livable or even more wage when I was doing basic grunt work...I sulked about and whined how unfair it was that I had...
  18. DMTER

    does growing cannabis mean anything more to you than the end result?

    For me the journey is what makes the destination special, and the destination is what makes the journey fun...unless you get mold or bugz or nutrient deficiency but even then your still learning...and learning what not to do is always more powerful then being taught what to do....
  19. DMTER

    How can Anarchocapitalism break monopolies?

    There are way to many things to respond to on this thread but GGGEEEEEEZZZZ I inherited nothing and have busted my ass and now run my own shop...but I guess that really doesn't matter, right? He would not starve...someone would buy his labour, whether it is a livable "wage" can be debated but...
  20. DMTER

    DMT Questions????

    gots to love livin in the wouthwest the toad of light is abdundant.