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  1. L

    3 week old plant drooping and scrunching up with yellow tips on leaves

    Thx for the help guys I do believe it was root bound I trans it to a half gallon square pot. When I took it out the roots were everywhere so I do believe the pot was to small plus I flushed it 3 times in 9 days so that could have been much be thanks guys for all the support I will keep u updated...
  2. L

    3 week old plant drooping and scrunching up with yellow tips on leaves

    I have a three week old plant i tried feeding it 10 ml of cns17 in a liter of ph water and in days my plant was showing signs of nute burn. it started to get yellow tips on the leaves. i tried flushing it with three times as much water as soil ( oh yea the soil mix is unknown but it has pearlite...
  3. L

    nute burn...i think ... abd drooping n twisting of leaves

    I am growing in ff under a two foot four bulb t5 for a 24 hr time period in a 62 x 36 x 20 grow closet with an exhaust fan and to small fans of an unknown strain of mj. I added 10 ml of cns 17 nutes inside of a liter of 6.5 ph water . After about two feeds in about a weeks time the plant showed...
  4. L

    i have a discolouration on my stem of my 2 week seedling

    i have a discolouration on my stem of my 2 week seedling its white and slightly Browning I don't know what it is but I believe it to be damping off please help I wanna save this plant its my first grow. Also it seems to be getting skinny wear the whitening is on the stem