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  1. kilepto

    brown spots on leaves White widow chees mix, anyone ever grow this before?

    bublonicchronic, let me ask you something, do you know what weed leaves look like when they have brown spots on them? If so, hows is a picture gonna clarify it. If someone said their leaves were yellowing out, you would assume they had nitro def right? would you need to see a pic of yellowing...
  2. kilepto

    brown spots on leaves White widow chees mix, anyone ever grow this before?

    well to be honest, I feel like 95% of the people on here are noobies. And i dont mean to insult people new to growing, but I am an expert on human behavior. And i come on here and see some of the stupidest shit get said from people trying to sound smart. And this happens cause 99% of the human...
  3. kilepto

    brown spots on leaves White widow chees mix, anyone ever grow this before?

    I have tried everything at least i think i have. Juts keeps getting worse. None of my other plants grown under the same condition are experiencing this. I tried epsom salt, ive been giving it cal mag and since it was about two weeks its been showing brown spots. I thought it was a mag dif, but...
  4. kilepto

    First grow...600w x2 HPS, 13 Bagseed in soil

    You know what I have learned about the HPS and MH, and stretchyness of plants it Has nothing to do with the light. Alot of people will get info, and lets say that info works, they will naturally assume that info is correct and the only way to it. I have many different types of seeds all under...
  5. kilepto

    one plant out of many stopped growing and top stem is darkening

    good question, ph is the same for all the plants tho thanks
  6. kilepto

    one plant out of many stopped growing and top stem is darkening

    I respect your opinion, and it will be considered, untill its dead I will treat all my plants equally. and i would like to know what happened to avoid it in the future. thanks again pirax
  7. kilepto

    one plant out of many stopped growing and top stem is darkening

    Hello all, first time poster but long time reader of many blogs, posts, and topics that go on this website. Let me get some things out of the way so that hopefully someone can answer my specific question. With all due respect to the million and one methods their are to growing cannibus, I have...