Search results

  1. A_Stoned_Llama

    Super Buff Cherry - The First Five

    Step Two: You are destined for soil... All 5 popped in less than 24 hours. Fill peat container with Heady Seedling Soil from BaS Poke indent in soil with finger Sprinkle rootwise myrcobe complete in the indents Drop seeds into hole, orient upside down or on their side "Close" the hole, cover...
  2. A_Stoned_Llama

    Super Buff Cherry - The First Five

    Step One: To the damp paper towel with you... Seeds placed into damp paper towel Paper towel folded over Damp paper towel with seeds placed into ziploc bag, gently Ziploc bag closed ONLY PARTIALLY Partially open zip lock with damp paper towel & seeds placed on shelf, out of direct sunlight
  3. A_Stoned_Llama

    Super Buff Cherry - The First Five

    Hello There, Welcome to my grow journal, the setup is as follows: 5x5 ft Tent 4x4 ft Soil Bed 125+ Gallons of BaS 3.0 blend (2nd cycle, 8 cuft added) 680w 6-bar Mint White LED ACInfinity for fans, exhaust, humidifier, and controller I have been strongly convinced, through experimentation in...
  4. A_Stoned_Llama

    Hello There

    Hey All, New to the site, lurked a bit before joining. Midwest USA. So I didn't smoke at all before I saw it had a chance to become legal in my state. It had been a decade probably since I last smoked. I have never successfully kept a plant alive, so I did some research before buying any...