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  1. C

    My First Grow!!! 2x300w LED Green Crack!

    Sorry for the giant pictures people. So here we have a picture of my favorite plant of ours so far. This is the only picture I took during the transplant. We began to LST all of our plants in the red solo cups and they responded very well to the training. Producing lots of growth in the lower...
  2. C

    My First Grow!!! 2x300w LED Green Crack!

    HELLO ROLLITUP PEEPS!!! This is my first grow, I've been lurking around for quite some time now. Got my light in and my ladies going so I guess its now my turn to start a journal :bigjoint: Here's the run down! -Started with something like 17 seeds from some Green Crack I got from a friend...
  3. C

    Newbies! Ask Me Questions Here!

    ok so this morning my light fell on my plants and burned one leaf off of each =[ :-(:oops::wall: check out the pics. they jsut turned a week old when it happened. so the leaf was very vital and it happened at 7 am this mornign and its now 630 pm and they look ok so i think they will make...
  4. C

    Newbies! Ask Me Questions Here!

    ok one quick question i have my babies on 18/6 right now they will be a week old tommorrow =] i will post a pic tonight or tommorrow. i was wondering tho becaus ei read it and its a great idea that i shoudl have my light on at night to reduce temps and off at day when its warmer. would it have...
  5. C

    Newbies! Ask Me Questions Here!

    ok so i am looking on ebay liek you suggested and HOT DAM thank you im surprised i thought you meant cheap like oh 120 but dam i found one for 60 but i wanna knwo if i shoudl get a 400w or a 250w i am probably growing 1 or 2 plants (depends on if its a male or not) the space is about 2x2x4 and...
  6. C

    Newbies! Ask Me Questions Here!

    hey this is my first real grow and right now i have 3 sprouts and im looking into stronger lights because i only have CFLs. i was just wondering is it ABSOLUTELY required that you have a ballast for HPS lights i have no problem spending $20 on a bulb but its the $200 on a ballast for the bulb...