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  1. M

    Criticize my first grow set up

    Ok so I'm pretty much done with my set up. I avoided the urge to ask any questions and put in a ton of research. This is what I came up with. I have a 4'x2'x4' flower tent and 18"x30"x3' veg tent. Just didn't have the height to go any taller. I'll be using 4 - 16"x24"x8" 10 gallon rubbermaid...
  2. M

    Some perplexing questions from the over thinking second time grower.

    Thanks so much Mudhead! I didn't even realize 2 chamber tents were available and great advice for using the dimming function on the lights, didn't even think of that. I have a height restriction of around 5' but I looked into it and I'm really liking the way this tent is set up...
  3. M

    Some perplexing questions from the over thinking second time grower.

    Looks like I got the answers to most of my questions and because I'm such a nice helpful guy I'm going to post them here because I seem to be the only one active. Decided to go with a 2 ft. 4 tube T5 set up for the clone tent. Realized I should be fine supplementing co2 in my bedroom. Will...
  4. M

    Some perplexing questions from the over thinking second time grower.

    This is my proposed set up right now. [/IMG]
  5. M

    Some perplexing questions from the over thinking second time grower.

    I've bought quite a few books and have been researching a lot about different techniques, the last thing I wanted to do was come on here and ask questions because I don't want to waste peoples time but I'm pulling out my hair trying to find answers to these questions. A little background, I'm...