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  1. tSunami13

    Advanced Nutrients

    Oh welcome back! Probably not as much as you get paid by canna. And my background third generation chemist, with a few botanist thrown in for good measure. So we know nothing. What is this high times you speak of?
  2. tSunami13

    ordering seeds from attitude seed bank?!

    Oh Single shows up in a white padded envelope, with the customs declaration and it is listed as a gift dvd with a value of $1.
  3. tSunami13

    ordering seeds from attitude seed bank?!

    Used single seed centre myself. 2 for 2. I looked at attitude and liked there selection, oh my talk about a kid in a candy store!!! Great place to look at. Ended up doing a side by side price comparison for seeds. Kinda worked. Single Seed is exactly that 1 seed or full packs. Attitude had...
  4. tSunami13

    plants leaves are droppy

    How much are the lights on?
  5. tSunami13

    HOW do these cfls work HELP!

    Starting the plants will be fine under the two lights. Keep the heat away so they don't dry out. You'll need more light to flower. whether it is cfl's or hps. Both lights have positives and negatives. you just have to be able to deal with the effects, heat, distance, and so on. CFL's are easy to...
  6. tSunami13

    plants leaves are droppy

    When did you last water it?
  7. tSunami13

    plants leaves are droppy

    What are the conditions? Water, ph, nute strength, lighting, temp? You know all the good stuff. Might be able to narrow it down.
  8. tSunami13

    Kho strikes again

    Nice. Just as long as it gets the job done, that's great.
  9. tSunami13

    Advanced Nutrients

    It's okay that potpimp dropped by. I am open to all real experiences. potpimp has used the nutes so that info is cool. The problem that I have is the noob's that "have heard so and so" and just don't have a clue. I am not saying other stuff doesn't work. I don't want to use the other stuff. Some...
  10. tSunami13

    740 watt LED grow DWC

    Looking very nice bigkuz, looks like your getting the crazy sticky LED effect!
  11. tSunami13

    Advanced Nutrients' Secret.

    hey kiddie, I have some experience. But its not hearing this from so and so and so and so and taking it from behind. I have used multiple products. Which is more then you! I am not hopping on some band wagon like you going with what canna advertises as being 1. whatever. you keep listening to so...
  12. tSunami13

    Advanced Nutrients' Secret.

    I heard them canna girls were jealous of big buds! c'mon kids do some research! Learn something besides listening to what so and so says. Ok so you like your nutes but you don't even know a damn thing about them. So how can you even have a clue about anything else. If you have read your labels...
  13. tSunami13

    Advanced Nutrients' Secret.

    Oh and also study up on what organic is! I think your getting confused with the OMRI listing which is something different then plain organic!
  14. tSunami13

    Advanced Nutrients' Secret.

    Hey noob, check out Sorry to burst your bubble but these nutes are regulated and tested by government agency's for content. Ever wonder why stuff is no longer on the shelf, uh it has been banned from sale and or importation into the US. Here's a secret shhhh, don't...
  15. tSunami13

    Advanced Nutrients

    Hey jberry, you can follow along and see what is reported. I really don't think people here get paid or sponsored but it seems like it sometimes. As I understand it you just have an untested opinion. I have been using AN and am liking what I am seeing. When I was looking at nutes first off I...
  16. tSunami13

    Kho strikes again

    Just a thought, run some ducting to a cooler, medium lunch box, and you can fill it with ice water, and put some salt in in the ice water to drop the temp to the 20's and just hook the box up to your fan and your good to go. Cooler's usually have a drain, and it's insulated so it will keep the...
  17. tSunami13

    Kho strikes again

    Just figure out some type of container to freeze such as a water bottle. Just be careful with the condensation/water near electricity.
  18. tSunami13

    Advanced Nutrients

    jberry, I am not against any of the other companies out there. I guess I am just not buying into their hype. I like AN, it works for me. I am not for them being expensive but if you know anything about these products there is a pretty steep markup on all of them. A good 50-100% on some of the...
  19. tSunami13

    Bubbleponic Help please

    Yes a pump would certainly help. Until the roots touch the water they need to be given water someway. A pump is ideal for that. A small fish pump should do the trick.
  20. tSunami13

    Advanced Nutrients

    So you would buy canna with no money back offer but not AN? Doesn't make sense. I myself don't look to buy things for refunds, but I do buy for quality.:peace: Yeah that video is off for sure. I think they took some of AN's buds and put them in the other guys totals to make them feel better...