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  1. R

    Total newbie and could use the help.

    OK, went out and checked the plant some of the fan leaves are starting to turn brown and die. I am watering it just the same as I always do. Does this mean I should go ahead and cut it and start to dry it?
  2. R

    Total newbie and could use the help.

    This is going to sound really stupid, but... What will happen to my bud if it is a Hermie? Can I get seeds from it as well as smoke it? I am a total noob so please be kind.
  3. R

    Total newbie and could use the help.

    Is this thing ready? Or should I wait?
  4. R

    Total newbie and could use the help.

    I am guessing this plant is well into flower. If I look at the underneath it has these little white flower looking things. I got the plant from a friend and it was with a male so i am pretty sure it was pollinated. Some of the hairs are starting to turn amber and the leaves are starting to...
  5. R

    I think a male got my female

    Awesome!! Thanks I got a little worried!! Will I get buds forming on all areas where the pistols are?
  6. R

    I think a male got my female

    I cant really tell if this plant is male or not. But I have a female that has started flowering. I have only 2 plants. The female is from bag seed that I REALLY liked. If the male did get to my female. Would it be a good idea to let things happen so I can get some more seeds? I will post...
  7. R

    A quick question.

    Thanks guys, I will post some pictures of the plants in a bit. My iphone does not seem to zoom in close enough. I could really use the advice. And yes I fish for reds every chance I get in the Laguna Madre in deep south Texas.
  8. R

    A quick question.

    I am trying to sex my plants. And I would really like a quick answer before I panic. My plants have little spikes or horns coming out right at the base of the branches. I have looked at the pictures and I am still confused weather or not I need to wait a little longer to tell. There are no...
  9. R

    Lighting Question.

    I had 2 plants outside and 2 inside my cab. It go way to hot outside (100 plus). I moved all 4 plants under 24 hour veg. lighting. Will this hurt the 2 outdoor plants?
  10. R

    Lighting Question.

    I had 2 plants outside and 2 inside my cab. It go way to hot outside (100 plus). I moved all 4 plants under 24 hour veg. lighting. Will this hurt the 2 outdoor plants?
  11. R

    Newbie. Given Four Plants. Need Help from the Pros!

    Okay, I know I should ditch it but I am working on the cab set up. I added 2 more lights so now I am running at 6400L about 4 inches of the top of the plants. Thoughts?
  12. R

    Newbie. Given Four Plants. Need Help from the Pros!

    Thanks for the input! I will mess with putting more lights in the cab. I am going to keep growing them for the time being. I have some seeds being brought to me this weekend. I will start them Saturday or Sunday. If I do like a 24/0 or 20/4 how long do I need to do that till it is flowering...
  13. R

    Newbie. Given Four Plants. Need Help from the Pros!

    One more question, if i decide to lower them down the the first set of leaves, how far should I raise the plants to keep the from stretching?
  14. R

    Newbie. Given Four Plants. Need Help from the Pros!

    Okay, here is the deal. I like to grow my own veggies in the yard, watermelons, tomatoes etc. I also like to tinker and build things as well. I have a house that had a whole bunch of of old dressers left for us to throw a away. I built a semi stealth grow cabinet out of a dresser for...