Newbie. Given Four Plants. Need Help from the Pros!


Okay, here is the deal. I like to grow my own veggies in the yard, watermelons, tomatoes etc. I also like to tinker and build things as well. I have a house that had a whole bunch of of old dressers left for us to throw a away. I built a semi stealth grow cabinet out of a dresser for fun. A guy I know gave me 4 plants he started from bag seeds. I have no idea how long they have been growing, he had the outside. I know 2 of them are stretching and 1 of them is super small and the other looks like he tried to make it grow around the pot. I am going to try to lower the plants down to the first set of leaves. In my cab I have 2 CFLs that say the put out about 1600 lumen each. I also put in 2 fans temp is around 85 in the cab. I am keeping them in an outdoor tool shed I have.

Questions I have:
What light cycle should I put them on for veg? I am guessing the 2 biggest ones are maybe 5 weeks old?

On the one I have that is leaning over should I try to train it to grow like that? I have read about training them to produce a bigger yield.

Is it to early to tell the sex? I would hate to have a male in the mix.

Should I lower the 2 bigger ones in the pot to keep them from stretching?

What schedule should I set for watering.

I know that is a bunch of questions, and I know they have been asked a hundred times over. I just would like some help since I was given the plants I am kinda starting in mid stream.
Here are the pictures of my set up and the lighting and the fans AND the plants. All help given would be greatly appreciated!



One more question, if i decide to lower them down the the first set of leaves, how far should I raise the plants to keep the from stretching?


Active Member
lowering the plants meaning, transplant them deeper? that won't stop them from stretching, not enough light or lights too far away cause that. I would add side lighting, as far as a light schedule, 24/0, 20/4, no less than 18/6. Keep the lights as close as possible without burning the plants, put your hand between the lights and plants to test the heat.

(added) yes, you can plant them deeper, be careful when you do it and be careful with the roots. You can re plant them up to the first set of leaves, this will make them sturdier but you still need to get the lights lower and I also think side lighting would be a good idea as well. Otherwise, they will probably just stretch again.

The plant that is falling over, (yes, I would train them all, low stress training) as they grow. I also prune off leaves that block budding sites. A few a day/every couple days, don't get crazy. If the plants are too weak to support themselves, stake them. You can also see in 1 pic how the plant turned back up towards the light, that is what LST does, you train the plant to grow how you want, to allow more flowering sites to get good light.

Way too early to tell the sex for me, I can't really tell for certain until flowering.

Watering, just check the soil with a finger or better yet get a moisture meter, they're cheap. A Ph meter is a good idea as well, also cheap. When the first 2 inches or so are dry to your finger, give it a drink. They won't take a lot of water when they are that size, don't over water.

It also looks like you're going to need to transplant one more time, I suggest 3 gallon pots. 5 may be better, depends on how much space you have to work with. I'd also suggest a fresh air intake as well as an exhaust.
You can start flowering them when they're 12 inches at least. I recommend letting them get a lil' bigger and taking a clone from that and flowering it so you know if it's a boy or a girl before you waste time flowering the parent. Also, around 1 month in, they MAY start to show preflowers. In the case of females, it'll be two little white hairs. However this isn't 100% accurate, they could still flip on you or go hermie (heven forbid). If you decide to chop the tops off, it's best to start above the third set of leaves--this will give you two colas. I prefer low stress training over topping though.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I honesty would just startover. Your not that far along, and your using bagseeds which are abundant and free. They are already looking less thean stellar and may not cope well with an indoor environment, at least righht away. You could bring in pests and you'll probably get a couple males too. I know this is just a fun projct, but taking the time to do everything right will save you a lot more of it in the long run. I'd get some of the best seeds I could (2-3x as many as I intended to grow), plant them in a good soiless mixture or hydroponic medium, get those cfls on them right away and do some reading. In 2 weeks when they are starting to really take off, you'll be much better prepared and have better plants to work with.


Thanks for the input! I will mess with putting more lights in the cab. I am going to keep growing them for the time being. I have some seeds being brought to me this weekend. I will start them Saturday or Sunday. If I do like a 24/0 or 20/4 how long do I need to do that till it is flowering time?


Okay, I know I should ditch it but I am working on the cab set up. I added 2 more lights so now I am running at 6400L about 4 inches of the top of the plants. Thoughts?10.jpg


New Member
put the lights closer like an inch plants going to have to touch the bulb to burn but 85 is toooooo hot 78 is nice huge difference ......starting over is great advice....... maybe make a plan???