Search results

  1. Trout2012

    Win a PerfectpH Auto pH Balancer for Hydroponics

    Sounds cool!! I run hydro water farms, it would be cool to not have to worry about PH in the reservoir.
  2. Trout2012

    Jesus are you real?

    Job 26:7 Isaiah 40:22 Proverbs 8:27
  3. Trout2012

    What Are You Listening To?

  4. Trout2012

    Jesus are you real?

    The whole reason I made up the story, was to show you dopamine is only heavily released with your wife. Who would have you saved? You dont get that feeling with your parents do you? Fires starts all the time by random acts of nature,arsonists,ect Just as free will has a ripple effect through the...
  5. Trout2012

    Jesus are you real?

    That's a broad question!! Do you love your wife? Do you love your parents? Do you love your children? Your wife gives you great pleasure and a feeling you can't get from the others. Is this love? Now put your wife, parents, children in a burning building you can only save one of the three. Which...
  6. Trout2012

    Jesus are you real?

    I read your dopamine post before, I decided not to comment. What human experience does not release some amount of dopamine or adrenaline? It is how we were created!! I could very easily assume by your logic that all human experience is just a fallacy!! Just because someone enjoys something...
  7. Trout2012

    Jesus are you real?

    Your right, Satan or Lucifer was an angel, God used the snake to represent the nature of him. Sneaky, stealthy, comes up behind his unaware pray" BAM" !! Hes got ya!!
  8. Trout2012

    Jesus are you real?

    Yep he is real!! The bible is the historical evidence! All other written historical documents are taken at face value. They have found many artifacts validating many of the stories. We have freewill to choose to love God! We have always been sinful, but didnt realise our state until the fruit...
  9. Trout2012

    Legal cannabis 45% more than black market

    But wait they are college educated hort But wait they are college educated horticulturist, impressive:clap:
  10. Trout2012

    Win a pack of 5 Super Kush from Phoenix Seeds

    No experience, but super kush sounds good!! Sign me up!!
  11. Trout2012

    What is YOUR "Golden" rule for a heavy healthy yield?

    Stick to what works, keep it simple, and dont buy snake oil!! I almost lost my crop by trying extra shit this time!!
  12. Trout2012

    Marihuana and cancer

    How CBD Counteracts THC What is the "entourage effect"? Scientific data proves that CBD & THC work in symbiosis to create various positive effects in the immune system and psyche. 224 10 4 Jul 2019 A multitude of compounds and substances generate our beloved cannabis plant, which...
  13. Trout2012

    Marihuana and cancer

    I realise t
  14. Trout2012

    Marihuana and cancer

    I would think if it is true, it would be due to breeding by smokers trying to get the highest high!! The CBD has been taken out because it lowers the high! I just read an article somewhere they are using CBD to bring people down that get to high. I just like to work it off
  15. Trout2012

    Understanding and Calculating Nutrient PPM

    This is freaking awesome Thanks Again!!!!
  16. Trout2012

    Understanding and Calculating Nutrient PPM

    Ok question for the PPM master!! I've just started using a PPM meter. Never touched one until now! My question is two of my plants are almost done!! I started adding just ph water to them to get my PPM down they were pretty high leaves were being affected. After adding about half regular water...