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  1. MJCanada

    Fan leaves pale and mottled with a gritty feel

    First off, chill, people take time to answer stuff... give it a couple days. I know it's hard when you are worried about the girls, but insulting the people trying to help you won't get an answer faster. Hard to tell what's going on with those pictures... angles and lighting are playing mind...
  2. MJCanada

    Blackstrap Molasses + toasted egg shells for Cal-Mag?

    I wonder if it'll work as a foliar spray? egg shell powder + blackstrap, diluted of course...
  3. MJCanada

    adjust ph before or after adding nutes?

    Stop feeding the hydro troll... or is it the soil troll(s)??? I'm not sure anymore... You guys do realize that both answers are correct right? Hydro - Res balancing (check it before, so you put nutes+res top up in to balance it, then check again to make sure you didn't fuck up your adjustment)...
  4. MJCanada

    Sealed room / pressure / CO2 help please!!

    Did you seal your electrical boxes? both vapor/tuck tape and foam seals for the plates? Many people forget about that step during their insulation phases in regular house builds.
  5. MJCanada

    Blackstrap Molasses + toasted egg shells for Cal-Mag?

    I've been doing a shit-ton of reading on the interwebs about Calcium and Magnesium for plants(not specifically for the ladies). I've found a fairly large amount of folks using blackstrap and toasted egg shell powder diluted with water for cal-mag solution. Has anyone tried this for their...
  6. MJCanada

    Help diagnose please, not sure if pest or nutrient burn

    More info. new growth only? whole plant? just the top? deformed? Are they crispy?, soil, hydro? PH problems? ... More info.
  7. MJCanada

    Sealed room / pressure / CO2 help please!!

    I'm not an expert on sealed grows, but I have some experience with HVAC. Have your AC units froze on you? That is a good indication that your cold air isn't moving past the condenser fast enough, which means a positive air pressure situation on your cold out pipes. If they aren't freezing up...
  8. MJCanada

    Purple stem genetics?

    I ended up watering them by the evening. Not sure if it is my mind games or what but by the evening the pots felt much lighter than the morning. PHed to 6.5 and added some nutes to 100PPM. Tgis is about 1/8 of the manufacturers recommended. These pictures are 10hours after watering. Taken...
  9. MJCanada

    Purple stem genetics?

    I went out today and grabbed some worm castings... finally found a shop near me that carried them. (all other places had it premixed in potting soil) I carefully dug out the outer perimeter of soil. About 1 inch(couldn't go in any further, saw root hairs) in from the sides and 2 inches down. I...
  10. MJCanada

    Dirt n' Grow - Evolve Organic All Purpose Plant Fertilizer

    Has anyone used this stuff? This is the only thing I've found in my neck of the woods that seems similar to GH or the other name brands mentioned on this forum. They have a line that is separate N P and K solutions, with very minimal micro nutes in them...
  11. MJCanada

    Purple stem genetics?

    I set my expectations fairly moderate.. by xmas I was thinking I would have my first harvest. That gives me about a month of lost time due to figuring this all out :P
  12. MJCanada

    Purple stem genetics?

    Unfortunately, getting that type of soil in my neck of the woods is extremely difficult/expensive(~$100+ for 3 cubic feet :'( ). Same goes for most of the soil amendments you referred to. I found what I thought was worm casings for $25 for a little tiny bag... turned out to be manure compost...
  13. MJCanada

    Purple stem genetics?

    I agree, at only 20 days old, I wouldn't think it was a nute problem... I was looking at my soil and one of the 2 that I mixed with(Farfard, black earth something) was .2-0-.1, so perhaps I'm seeing a phosphorous deficiency? Other soil I mixed with was a Promix, can't remember the exact one...
  14. MJCanada

    Purple stem genetics?

    It's been about 24 hours since I watered. I did a light watering (kinda like how you water a seedling), with 200PPM veg nute + 50PPM water PH'ed to 6.0. Since both were going yellow, I watered both, but the Double Glock only got about 1/4 of a watering as it wasn't light enough for a good...
  15. MJCanada

    Purple stem genetics?

    Yup. I thought they were yellow but they were overwatered and since I fixed that issue they started growing again but lightened in color. Now I think it is nute deficiencies (at least N). My run off has been about 6.8 and my water has been around 6.3-6.5. Shouldn't be lockout but i am going...
  16. MJCanada

    Purple stem genetics?

    Here is a pic of the plants. The Special Kush (front one) is 6 days after transplant and the Double Glock is 2 days post transplant. They are loving the new pots. I must have over watered them, or not enough drainage in the cups.
  17. MJCanada

    Choosing nutrients for soilless (coco premixed)

    I debated asking this question for my soil grow. I decided not to because any thread I've found on the internet(not just this forum) is full of hearsay and folks that have bought into marketing. I've been digging for types of manufacturing processes for various "name brand" fertilizers (both...
  18. MJCanada

    Purple stem genetics?

    So, both transplanted and both are thriving again.... My thoughts are either over watered and/or soil issues. Soil has compost in it, and I've been reading a fair bit that some compost you get isn't done correctly and the composting isn't "done" which throws all sorts of odd problems... I'll...
  19. MJCanada

    Mainlining vs Scrog for noobs

    Thanks for the info MonkeyGrinder. I may still try to mainline it, since I have a too small space for 2 plants, and I got a double glock rolling well already. If she doesn't work out, meh... I don't care to lose her, so long as my double glock is still going strong. And, since you are saying...
  20. MJCanada

    Purple stem genetics?

    I inspected the root ball of my Double glock and it had mad roots curling around the base of the cup. Most people say about 3 weeks to transplant from solo cup (healthy plants will reach the edges by then), but since it looked poopy, and 3-4 of the roots made almost a complete circle around...