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  1. Jman108227

    Friends of Bill W.?

    I feel you man. I'm just grateful I never got any dui's driven on everything from ecstasy to loaded on 30mg oxys. Only difference between you and I is getting caught. It's hard seeing friends go down the shitter. if you can't completely stop then at least you have slowed your roll. I've seen...
  2. Jman108227

    Friends of Bill W.?

  3. Jman108227

    Friends of Bill W.?

    I just read that aloud to my wife cause she wanted to know what I was reading. Seriously great. Thank you for that. I'm sorry you have had to put up with unorthodox meetings in your life and programs with ridiculous methods. If you're ever in huntington beach. Best early bird meeting you will...
  4. Jman108227

    Friends of Bill W.?

    My first few go arounds to meetings were all court ordered. I didn't gaf about What those people were saying just wanted my court card signed like you haha. This time it wasn't court ordered, I had some personal shit going on and wanted to stop drinking. First few months of going everyday I...
  5. Jman108227

    Friends of Bill W.?

    You are most definitely not alone in this situation. Hang in there :) I'm making new routines.
  6. Jman108227

    Friends of Bill W.?

    Right on. Yes I definitely will. Thank you very much and that is great to hear.
  7. Jman108227

    I'm doing great considering what's going on. Get to spend quality time with my babies and get...

    I'm doing great considering what's going on. Get to spend quality time with my babies and get paid to do it! I'm so blessed to work for awesome business owners. I know people are really struggling and I just have so much to be thankful for. Thank you very much! I certainly will. Definitely...
  8. Jman108227

    Friends of Bill W.?

    If anyone hasn't been to a meeting. People may still be gathering. I've been going, there's like 3 guys in a parking lot where we talk at a good distance away from each other. Just putting it out there if someone is in need, they still can get some type of in-person interaction. Phone calls and...
  9. Jman108227

    Watering/coco/curled edges

    Hi there. I can't help you out for a few years, but I can let you know someone will be able to help you better if you take pics without the purple light on. Good luck ❤
  10. Jman108227

    If at first you don't succeed.

    Day 1. She's alive.
  11. Jman108227

    Weird issue

    Someone will help out that has experience, so be patient if someone hasn't messaged you yet. They look pretty btw. Good luck.
  12. Jman108227

    If at first you don't succeed.

    Yeah my other auto was mainly miracle gro mix. But I wanted to try the ffof I kept reading about. I'm going slow haha. I live like .3 miles from a home depot so it's no biggie running to get what I need. I fucked up by germinating my seed before I bought everything. It was ready to go after like...
  13. Jman108227

    If at first you don't succeed.

    I have a question. When I transplant into the fox farm soil. Should I mix the seed starting soil that I just bought into the ffof soil? So it's not just getting transplanted into a different kind of medium?
  14. Jman108227

    What's up

    What's up
  15. Jman108227

    If at first you don't succeed.

    This was all they had. Nothing in it nutrient wise. Took pics of surgery. Off to a rocky start already but I think we'll be okay :)
  16. Jman108227

    If at first you don't succeed.

    I didn't realize this soil had a bunch of shit in it. That's what I get for gardening at 6am. Going to home depot right now to get something that has zip in it and do transplant surgery.
  17. Jman108227

    If at first you don't succeed.

    This will be my 2nd attempt to get from start to harvest. I bought Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil and a 3 gal fabric pot. They won't be delivered until Saturday. I had a small 4in ceramic pot and organic miragle gro soil I'm using until I can transplant when I get my good stuff. I started...
  18. Jman108227

    First grow! 4th week in flower

    Someone will see this and help for sure.
  19. Jman108227

    First time grow. Low budget

    Thanks for the reply. I'm sure someone will know. I'm going to buy this or something like it when I find out more about it. Just in case my grow closet is more prone to mold than most environments I want to be sure and the most preventative before I have to put another plant to sleep again.
  20. Jman108227

    First time grow. Low budget

    Has anyone heard of this stuff or know of anything similar that you or someone you know has used? Just thinking of stuff I can do next time to take more preventative action.