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  1. V

    vision spinner or ego twist..pure hash or only with glycerin?

    Nothing with a wick will work for straight hash oil/wax, you must dilute with glycerin/limonene. Direct drip atomizers (google that term plus your ecigs thread type) have no wick and are just a heating coil at the bottom of a tube, they will work with solid waxes, but like all the ecig/vapepens...
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    Eveything you need to make Rick Simpsons/Wernard Bruinings Oil !

    OP - Just to chip in with my two cents: Dont use a commercial water steam distiller, just get a generic steam distillation kit on Ama for like 150 bucks, or assemble your own from a couple flasks, a condenser, and some stoppers/tubing for only 50. Either way, youll get a higher quality steam...
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    Increasing Cannabis' Effects Through Enzyme Inhibition -Easy, get more from your meds

    Your quite right polar, messing with enzymes is messy stuff, esp when you're on a lot of different scripts. Folks on things like warfarin should never attempt any enzyme pathway modification of any kind, and anyone who is on any medication other than marijuana should check with their doctor...
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    pediatric medical marijuana

    Like any psychoactive drug, pot can alter how the mind develops, and there may be some physical developmental changes as well, at least in anyone under the age of 26-27 (this is when the last twinges of puberty and mental development are done). As such, it is very unwise to give pot to any minor...
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    Increasing Cannabis' Effects Through Enzyme Inhibition -Easy, get more from your meds

    Oh and nizza - just eat it. Eat any of the supplements I recommended, about 30-45 minutes before you dose with weed. A single 00 capsule of herb material is a good amount.
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    Increasing Cannabis' Effects Through Enzyme Inhibition -Easy, get more from your meds

    ...I live in a medical state and have had a script for ten years - I only vape hash oil, for a long long time. Vaping hash oil properly (in an oil bowl not burning it away on a nail) delivers so much more cannabinoids to ones system, that now after all these years, smoking medical grade weed...
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    Increasing Cannabis' Effects Through Enzyme Inhibition -Easy, get more from your meds

    So much thought lately goes into concentrating marijuana and the various tools used with the various forms of marijuana, but very little is seemingly given to the active compounds methods of action. This is a shame, because there are lots of things you can do to enhance and increase cannabis'...
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    Any ideas for post operation?

    Avoid paying for RSO unless it costs less than 5/g, its made from trash trim and iso/acetone (its cheap, nasty stuff as far as concentrates go). And definitely dont try to set up an oxy trade online, thats too risky, even if you need medication. If your location is accurate, there are a lot of...
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    Fun with Hookahs

    If you find yourself without dried pot leaf to water down your shisha with, you can substitute unglued rolling papers, damiana, raspberry leaf, or marshmallow leaf quite nicely in the above recipe for marijuana shisha.
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    The Vapor Volumes by Vlad

    Greenghost - I get my discs from labplanet for around $10, but it takes a couple weeks. You can get them faster elsewhere but expect to pay about 15-20 instead of 10. PureGold is a standardized hash oil that is diluted with 10% limonene and packed in single dose capsules. It comes in two...
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    Vaporizer Woes..

    Thats cool that they make them so easily replaceable - the classic VaporBros box is a great design, and replaceability goes a long way. Next time the element goes, you should pop in a $4 ceramic heating element, its a serious upgrade from the nichrome one thats standard...
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    Electronic cigarette Vape Pen

    Medstick, gentlemans vape, trippy stick, waxstick, and similar, are all standard 510 threaded direct drip atomizers. Not only will they fit, but there is zero difference between any of the "wax vaporizers" and a generic direct drip ecig. The Medstick XL is simply a rebranded ego XL atomizer...
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    The Vapor Volumes by Vlad

    I dont know that Butane *can* break down at the temps and pressures involved in a Tamisium extractor. Typically high heat/pressure is needed to break down aromatic hydrocarbons, a process called "fracking". But certainly some sort of breakdown reaction is possible. I find that instead of any...
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    Improved Tincture and Advanced Medibles

    Improved Tincture Tinctures can come from a variety of sources, but the two most popular seem to be glycerin based, for food, and alcohol based, for direct consumption. Well, alcohol is a poor solvent for cannabinoids, and burns to boot, and glycerin is positively terrible, it doesnt hold...
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    Improved Tincture and Advanced Medibles

    Hi gang! I shared some novel methods for food prep over in the medication forum : and I was told you might be interested over here, so I'm putting them in their own thread here.
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    The Vapor Volumes by Vlad

    I wasnt explaining for you, just those who just hopped in on the conversation ;) Thanks for the suggestion, I think Ill implement that in my new threads! I'm posting one up in the cooking with cannabis forums covering the topics we covered in the soda thread right now, and I've got a fun one up...
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    The Vapor Volumes by Vlad

    I find I am unable to edit the starting thread post as I am the reply posts. Can someone help me, and let me know how to edit the OP so I can update with new info?
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    The Vapor Volumes by Vlad

    I do, and a number of others that are more efficient as well. What I mean by efficiency is how well the cannabinoids are vaporized. If, during the process of vaping, 10% is combusted or otherwise lost, I consider that method as being 90% efficient. Specifically what I was referring to was the...
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    Fun with Hookahs

    Fun With Hookahs! 1.0 4.2012 Introduction Hookahs are are fun, social way to medicate. The whole experience is relaxing and fun: the stoking the coals, the lounging about with friends taking huge, flavorfull rips from your hose, and just generally acting like a Sultan relaxing in his harem...
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    Corneal Erosion

    Heavens no! Where did you here about this, could you provide a link? I'm interested in knowing more.