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  1. M

    Organic Plant tips and edges burnt

    I heard from multiple credible sources that in organic grows, using no bottled nutrients, ph is controlled by the microbes. I added the sulfur to lower the ph, but that’s when they started acting up. Does elemental sulfur kill off microbe populations?
  2. M

    Organic Plant tips and edges burnt

    I am currently running an all organic grow. Dechlorinated water, and all natural amendments. Root zone ph was at 7.7 on all plants, so I added elemental sulfur at 2tbsps/10 gallons of soil. All pots are 10 gal fabric pots. A week after watering in the sulfur, (today) the leaf edges and tips...
  3. M

    G13 Photoperiod First Grow

    You for sure need to take a little advice. Don't ask for help and not listen. I get its your first grow, you're excited, and want to figure everything out on your own, but listening to experienced growers is whats going to really help you learn how to "tinker" with your plants. Mainlining is...
  4. M

    Black Spots Appeared Overnight

    I sprayed Epsom, I’m about to water it again today, I watered it two day’s ago too. Should I change the soil ph by watering in at 6.2, or should I change the ph by adding sulfur?
  5. M

    Black Spots Appeared Overnight

    The plants seem to still be getting worse. They are losing more and more leaves and some plants only have 3 leaves per stem remaining. Could it be root rot? And if it was root rot, would the root rot spread across all my plants at the same time, or would it be individual plants that would get...
  6. M

    Black Spots Appeared Overnight

    Thank you so much. This is the answer I was looking for. I’ll add a little sulfur to drop the ph a bit, and water only for a sec. Thank you.
  7. M

    Dry/wilted growth points

    Also, since the new growth is all crispy, should I cut all the stems down to expose the older healthier growth? Or should I keep the wilted growth points and let them slowly grow back? Or is it too late and should I give up.
  8. M

    Black Spots Appeared Overnight

    I just checked the ph and they came back at an average of 7. The worst plant is at a soil ph of 7.2. Isn’t below 8 and above 6 okay for living soils? Can I rule out ph for the moment?
  9. M

    Dry/wilted growth points

    Temps are at 75 degrees Fahrenheit consistently, with a RH of 55. I just checked every plants soil ph using a soil ph probe, and they average at 7.0. The worst plant’s soil ph is 7.2. I am growing in ffof, backed off the synthetic nutes, flushed, and re amended the soil with “nature’s living...
  10. M

    Dry/wilted growth points

    Here are my other plants, these weren’t perfectly healthy to start with, but the black dots came at the same time, as I too dressed them all together.
  11. M

    Dry/wilted growth points

    Here are my other plants, these weren’t perfectly healthy to start with, but the black dots came at the same time, as I too dressed them all together.
  12. M

    Dry/wilted growth points

    My plants out of nowhere, and overnight, showed blacks pots and dry crispy growth. Even on perfect plants that were doing fine until 2 days ago, with 10 nodes worth of perfectly healthy growth. It all happened after I top dressed with 1tsp/gal or bone meal, kelp meal, and crab meal. the plants...
  13. M

    Black Spots Appeared Overnight

    Is it over? Do I just end these girls’ life right now, or do I try to save the plants? I don’t think it’s alternaria, nobody has really told me their two cents on how to fix it.
  14. M

    Black Spots Appeared Overnight

    Also, it said that Alternaria spreads from bottom up, but on my plants the tops got affected first.
  15. M

    Black Spots Appeared Overnight

    It says the fungus grows at 27c,=80f, but my ac never lets the temp surpass 75. I might look into fungicides but I really hope it’s not alternaria. The article didn’t tell me how fast an infestation can happen. Could it in theory take over a whole plant in 24 hrs?
  16. M

    Black Spots Appeared Overnight

    Holy shit man. I too dressed with living soil, which I think contains manure. Could the humidity have made some poopoo particles airborn and in turn fucked my plants up?
  17. M

    Black Spots Appeared Overnight

    I know it should take a while for the microbes to even break down the amendments (crab,kelp,bone), would Organic amendments fry my plants that quick? Or would organic amendments change my ph that much within a day? I’ll take soil ph readings with my probe later and check back in with you about...
  18. M

    Black Spots Appeared Overnight

    Yeah that’s what I mean. These look like random splotches. My dark spots are only seen within the veins, but I’m not ruling it out. Does alternaria show up when it gets excessively humid? I had a little spike of humidity the same night, so is that a possible cause of it if it was alternaria?
  19. M

    Black Spots Appeared Overnight

    Yeah I’m guessing it’s the dressing. Have you ever heard of over feeding kelp meal, crab meal, or bone meal? I added them all at the same time. I’m new to amending soil, and I don’t really know what I’m doing I guess.
  20. M

    Black Spots Appeared Overnight

    Would alternaria also affect the newest leaves? They don’t have black spots on the small leaves (except for edges, looks kind of like a potassium def that’s immobile). The fan leafs that are affected are all the top leaves, and the damage is mostly interveinal, so I doubt it’s alternaria, but...