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  1. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

  2. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

  3. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

  4. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

    Yes, I'm the ignorant one, I already pointed to the ridiculousness and fallacy of your posts... do i need to start mentioning your grammar and punctuation? Um, I don't get any money for believing in GW..????? What are you talking about? You make very little sense.
  5. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

    Yes, anyone with a brain knows that! The climate has a natural cycle that is now being thrown into wack? Where are you confused?
  6. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

    So 50 years ago they created these theories so that they could push this Cap and Trade policy now? Is that you final answer? Always comes back to the World Wide Conspiracy. Um, free thinking is different from following the latest conspiracy theory.
  7. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

    Thanks... (you can also still find scientist who believe dinosaurs walked with man... the fact is only 11% of publishing scientists in the US disagree with human-induced climate change, and 1% of publishing climatologists disagree. How much does it cost to bribe 13 million scientist in the US?
  8. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

    That's why there are climatologist, to study the climate... if it never changed there would be no reason to study it. WTF? You guys would have no idea that the climate fluctuates if it wasn't for these same scientist. Do you think these scientist are morons or are you guys just being trolls. I...
  9. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

    I like how stating the opposite of reality is now a new Republican strategy. I would think the deniers are a little embarrassed they forget their science from grade school, but by the arguments that have been presented, I'd say they have no shame. Just one link to a climatologist that...
  10. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

    Sorry I guess... the very idea of this thread is trolling and bordering on evil... Sarah Palin says I can use the word if it is satire! (can use the word on radio and tv but not a MJ growing forum? good to know. I've made a conscious effort to use it more ever since the Palin thing) Wow more...
  11. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

    Winter is cold... don't put beers in the fridge... I think you'll be able to get by in life! :eyesmoke:
  12. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

    What do you mean 'man doesn't have the ability to warm the planet'. The greenhouse effect is as solid as science gets. We could (man) also warm the earth by blowing up all nuclear bombs, or cutting down all the tress, or putting pavement everywhere. There are tons of ways man could raise the...
  13. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

    I don't follow anything you wrote... that fact that it snowed doesn't prove/disprove anything. We already went over that. If it gets dark tonight does that mean it won't become light tomorrow... this is the kind of fault logic you are using.
  14. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

    It's just my lovable nature shining through. :) Your not that thin skinned are you? I'm sorry but ignorance of this magnitude NEEDS to be called out. I don't mean to offend you, and you seem like a nice guy and intelligent on some issues... but your posts here show a truly inept understanding...
  15. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

    That's a fucking trick your pulling... 1998 was the warmest year on record, so if you pick that as your starting year, than all the other years will be less. As I just mentioned, last year was the second hots year... average global temperatures are still on the rise. What you have been tricked...
  16. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

    Warmest decade in recorded history! Last year was the seconded warmest year on record. I can't follow you any further unless you get your basic facts straight.
  17. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

    I think we might be fighting a losing battle here. How do you cram 10 years of elementary science into one of these posts?
  18. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

    AT least it is a good sign that you understand that when water freezes it expands. Now take that Idea and run it backwards.
  19. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

    Listen buddy... the issue we are talking about is will ice that is floating in water, when melted, change the level of the water. The answer is very OBVIOUS if you paid any attention in school.
  20. mismos00

    Global Warming Update

    Fuck, NO IT WOULDN'T... IT WOULD REMAIN THE SAME.... "water expands when it forms ice. If the ice is floating, it will displace an amount of water that equals the weight of the ice. So even though you have bits of ice floating up higher than the surface of the water, the level of the water...