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  1. mismos00

    Seed information

    But were the other seeds more like one or other of the parents or were they like neither? Do you need a stable strain to start out with?
  2. mismos00


    Also, I understand what you are saying (about leaving the lights on for less time, making the plant feel the onset of winter), but that is what 12/12 does already. And I don't think that it is necessarily the longer dark period that induces flowering, but the shorter light period. At the end of...
  3. mismos00


    I see where the misunderstanding is... 12/6 means an 18 hour day... on for 12 off for 6, on for 12 off for 6, 12, 6, 12, 6... It basically shortens the length of a day for the plant to an 18 hour day. Like I said, I've never tried it and I think it would be a pain in the ass because the lights...
  4. mismos00

    Seed information

    Hard to say... in most likelihood you would get a mix of good and bad. The best thing to do, is if you have a good strain, is to clone it.
  5. mismos00


    No... how is a plant going to mature quicker with less light? You can't give a living thing less of what it needs to grow and expect it to grow quicker!!! (I've read of people doing the opposite, increasing the amount of light on time to increase yield towards the end of flowering) The plant...
  6. mismos00

    Sick girl please help REP

    Looks fine to me... a little yellowing on the bottom leaves is common.
  7. mismos00

    Seed information

    Yeah, good question, I had the same one a few months ago... which is why I bought some cheap seeds from a random site... big mistake. Yes, any idiot can throw a male and female together and produce lots of seeds... the trick comes from producing seeds of strains that are stable and consistent.
  8. mismos00


    From what I've read, reducing the lights 'on' time any less than 12 hours will reduce yield and increase flowering time. I've heard of people going 12/6 (6 hours of dark instead of 12) which is supposed to cut the flowering time by 1/4.
  9. mismos00

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Exactly... whenever I'm on this site at work, everything says 'Marijuana Growing'... the tabs, the browsers heading, and even the tab in the task bar. When people come to my desk, it is really difficult to hide. I've been meaning to bring this to someones attention.
  10. mismos00

    Need help heating

    Yes! Also a good idea which I implemented. Lights come on at 7pm... on overnight when the basement gets the coldest. (I've also heard of having a tub of water in the grow room, which heats up during the lights on period, and after the lights go off, releases that heat at night. Haven't tried it...
  11. mismos00

    Need help heating

    How cold is it getting at night? I have similar problems and I went out to get a low wattage heater (300W was the lowest I could find - the one I had prior was 600W or more and kept tripping the breaker). I put it on a plug-in thermostat that turns on when the temperature drops below 14. Is...
  12. mismos00

    Rush Limbaugh is a Fat, Disgusting, Rotten Human Being

    5 phones! Now you're just over compensating. Wait, did you beat up and rob a liberal?
  13. mismos00

    Rush Limbaugh is a Fat, Disgusting, Rotten Human Being

    :) Also much more likely to own a phone.
  14. mismos00

    Rush Limbaugh is a Fat, Disgusting, Rotten Human Being

    Well, all I can say is, I wish I knew conservatives more like you, and less like the religious variety, which I find much more abundant. From Conservapedia.... “Liberals support the legalisation of marijuana and other drugs, which are major causes of psychiatric illnesses”"
  15. mismos00

    Rush Limbaugh is a Fat, Disgusting, Rotten Human Being

    I don't know what 372 means... I do know that both the surveys I pointed you to had more respondents than that. And why would anyone want to hid the true fact of this. I'm sure conservatives point to these studies to show people how morally superior they are to liberals. (I'm hope you...
  16. mismos00

    Rush Limbaugh is a Fat, Disgusting, Rotten Human Being

    I pointed you to two other polls that were much larger, done by unbiased pollsters. Gallup and National Opinions Research Center...
  17. mismos00

    Fuck attitude

    Oh yeah! I think that method is the problem... transferring the delicate sprouts into the soil you probably either contaminated them, or broke/crushed them.
  18. mismos00

    Fuck attitude

    ? How do you know they germinated, if they haven't sprouted from the ground?
  19. mismos00

    Rush Limbaugh is a Fat, Disgusting, Rotten Human Being

    I think anyone that went to college is at a higher likelihood to smoke MJ. Maybe political ideology isn't a factor (I would maybe disagree), but it cannot be denied that there is a strong correlation. Age is a factor, only if it is to color certain age groups perceptions of MJ because of the...
  20. mismos00

    Rush Limbaugh is a Fat, Disgusting, Rotten Human Being

    That's a valid point... both with regards to the religious right and the indifference not that same as anti-legalization. You are simply stating that the effort to legalize is too great for the pay-off, it sounds like. I personally don't like the fact that I am considered a criminal, and that...