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  1. T

    i fear my plant may never finish flowering

    i have a plant that is 11 inches tall and and has been in flowering since the beginning of january it is now april. it is in a about a 7 inch in diameter flower pot that is about 7 inches tall. its growing in a small stealth grow box about a foot and a half tall and a foot deep and 8 inches...
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    My mom & weed

    dude if yu tell your mom she wont be very gullible after that and only be shocked that you lied the whole time and she wont find it funny or amusing that you smoke pot
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    is it important for light to hit the buds

    i have a small plant in flowering... ive been told it will start to grow its buds bigger later in the flowering weeks because the thin leaflets indicate it is a sativa. most of the fan leaves except for bout 3 good ones, 2 half dead ones and a few small ones at the top are off since the plant is...
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    plant never finishes flowering

    is it possible for a plant in flowering to grow some tiny not developed buds and then not make any progress at all because my plant is in flowering for like a month and a half now and all i really have are white hairs but the seed pods are so small i believe its sativa
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    to all you cfl growers out there

    hello this is my first and second grow and i am attempting a second grow with the sea of green method where i will grow four bushy short plants and then force flower them and keep them on a 12/12 schedule but i would like to know what you think and if my tall plant which is 10 inches will yeild...
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    any info please

    iv read about its just my first grow and i wanted to know if it would turn out to be my largest flower
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    any info please

    can anybody tell me about top colas because mine got burnt and then my plant started flowering while the top healed because the floro im using was touching it one time so now its grown and recovered and showing pistils and seed pods whats next
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    touching the buds

    never mind its a sttpid question
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    touching the buds

    my plant is in flowering and i would like to know if the buds got touched a bit by my finger and some other accidents like a light object fell and came in contact with one of the flowers does it effect that does just touching it do anything to the trichomes or the glistening things
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    help out with my box

    i have a 1.5 foot tall by like 7 inch wide by like 1.3 feet long box as a closet stealth grow with a flouro in the cieling and a 10 inch tall flowering plant inside it in a pot with ok soil. i would like to know how to set up ventalation for this box because with the light on it can get pretty...
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    please give me some advice

    well i water it pretty much once a day at different times because when i just check on it that day the soil is dry so then i figure its time to water it how should the soil be for best drainage and to best suit the plant never mind fertilizers or nutrition of the plant?
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    please give me some advice

    this is the actual plant i wanna know if it is to below average as well
  13. T

    please give me some advice

    [/IMG]:-(some people might say my plant is a peice of shit but im pretty glad about it its 10 inches tall has had the white pistils for about 2 and a half weeks and buds are starting to form i need to know how i can fix the curved main stem that it started to get in veg