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  1. smokermore

    Osama Raid Pictures - Get 'em while they're hot!! Obama's dead Brother is included!

    ya its insane crazy how fast we're advancing. almost scary, espescially if you look at it in the sense that we have advanced more in the past 5 years than in the past 50,000 years. I think its awsome tho. I would LOVE for them to hurry up and come up with something to where we can live for a few...
  2. smokermore

    Osama Raid Pictures - Get 'em while they're hot!! Obama's dead Brother is included!

    why? why be an asshole? i share some shit on here, and ur being a fucking prick.
  3. smokermore

    Osama Raid Pictures - Get 'em while they're hot!! Obama's dead Brother is included!

    ya i see what your saying. my point was that we do pollute this world, even tho it may be as insignificant as your describing.
  4. smokermore

    Osama Raid Pictures - Get 'em while they're hot!! Obama's dead Brother is included!

    ok ur an idiot... im not gonna argue with u cause i think thats what u really wanna do. i dont kno if its because im sober, but ur comments have a little sarcasm thats getting annoying.
  5. smokermore

    Osama Raid Pictures - Get 'em while they're hot!! Obama's dead Brother is included!

    dude, its like.... come on.... <citing(jimmy from southpark) seriously come on. You dont think our cars put off any pollution? those "natural" gases coming out of the exhaust pipe is defined as pollution. idk how much it affects our atmosphere, or if it does at all, but its still pollution...
  6. smokermore

    Osama Raid Pictures - Get 'em while they're hot!! Obama's dead Brother is included!

    ya ur right, but to be honest, im lazy. i figured if u strike what i say interesting, youd prob look it up yourself, and then prob correct me with some exact numbers
  7. smokermore

    Thought I Was Gettin' Short Today.

    if all what you said is true, you'd prob be dead if it were around here. those were some BOLD ass statements to a man who has a gun. i see shit on the news all the time about people getting shot over the dumbest stuff. When you said you "got off the bus" and saw him walk by or w/e, you were...
  8. smokermore

    3 Word Story

    in another basket
  9. smokermore

    Osama Raid Pictures - Get 'em while they're hot!! Obama's dead Brother is included!

    i think its obvious we do alot of harm to this planet lol. cars fuck up the air, BP fuck up the water, and we're cutting tree's down instead of hemp. another thing i "heard" is we humans kill off 200 species EVERYDAY. But, they also said something like they estimate 75% of the species out there...
  10. smokermore

    Osama Raid Pictures - Get 'em while they're hot!! Obama's dead Brother is included!

    lol say what? i guess if i KNEW there were 22 women and children there it would of made more sense. plus knowing that, gotta give more props to the seals not blowing them away, i kno, seals.....they love to kill people....:roll::roll::roll:
  11. smokermore

    Silver! Who Is On This Train?

    i saw on the news like a week ago that silver dropped over 8%... made me think of this thread and glad im NOT on the silver train lol. but idk shit about it so it may not even be a big deal
  12. smokermore

    3 Word Story

    cocked and loaded
  13. smokermore

    3 Word Story

    with my penis
  14. smokermore

    Osama Raid Pictures - Get 'em while they're hot!! Obama's dead Brother is included!

    havent we all "heard" a lot of things. i certainly hope thats not what were doing, but am i there to see whats going on? do you think everything on the news they tell you is the truth? kinda weird he's laying on a squirt gun, maybe thats why the SEALS didnt fuck around, they saw that bright...
  15. smokermore

    Osama Raid Pictures - Get 'em while they're hot!! Obama's dead Brother is included!

    im guessing the pics are fake. in pic 5 you can see he is laying on a fucking squirt gun... even tho its osama we're talkin about, i still think we should of tried him in court, not just go in there and blow everyone to shit. i mean, isnt that what america is about? no matter who you are you...
  16. smokermore

    Do you cover your bowl after you hit?

    maybe we're just conservative smokers?
  17. smokermore

    Do you cover your bowl after you hit?

    bahahahaha good one.....
  18. smokermore

    Comments About HTG Lighting

    holy shit that looks good. what strain?! guessing ak47
  19. smokermore

    3 Word Story

    Vroom vroom vroom
  20. smokermore

    Do you cover your bowl after you hit?

    exactly! ive seen so many people in person and in vids that just let it burn away....