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    Plant is 60 days into flower showing signs of stress, tried a bunch of different things the. Got a micro scope and saw a couple critters. Is there a safe way to get rid of these this far into flowering??
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    The plant was outside for a bit and brought it in it had thrips. The sticky traps haven’t shown anything in a week or so
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    What does the OP mean? And also confused about the substrate. Running two aglex 600watt cob LEDs, grown in soil, using bloom soil formula 1-4-5
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    Hmmm have not tried. Shes sleeping now will report back tomorrow
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    Some of the white was diatomaceous earth
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    Sits at around 48%
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    What is happening with these leaves. It’s localized but I still don’t like it
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    Black spots

    Anyone know what this could be??
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    Watering Nutrient Schedule

    And you give 2 gallons in one go? Sorry forgot to say I’m growing in soil.
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    Watering Nutrient Schedule

    Just about to flip my plant to 12/12 and have been reading a lot of mixed advice about nutrients schedule. Some feed once a week, others feed every other day and water in between. Any tried and true advice out there?
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    Where to seeds??

    What’s a safe reliable place to order seeds from in Canada??
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    Yellow leaves!

    Growing in soil, and started using a bloom feed. But prior to that I prob didn’t give it enough nute
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    Yellowing leaves

    What’s causing these yellow leaves? Aside from half a dozen I pulled off like this the plant looks healthy..for now
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    Yellow leaves!

    What’s causing these yellow leaves? Aside from half a dozen I pulled off like this the plant looks healthy..for now
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    LED light height

    I’m currently 3 weeks into flowering 24” still the proper height??
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    LED light height

    I have two aglex 600w cob led’s and I’m wondering the light height from the canopy.( I know they’re not the best but the price was right) some of the videos I’ve watched people have them anywhere from 8-12” but instructions say 18. Currently growing in a 3x3x6 tent. Thanks
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    Coco Coir first time

    From solo cup right to my 5gal? Is there a benefit to going solo, 3gal, 5gal?
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    Coco Coir first time

    I pretty well stare at my grow tent for an hour every day when I get home from work. I can def afford it. And 70/30 right from seedling??
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    Coco Coir first time

    It was pro mix of some sort, but it’s so dense