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  1. Roberts


    rverything is alright now :) hum is 35%
  2. Roberts


    maybe first I can try to put salt into the box? :D
  3. Roberts

    Need help first time brown spots and red stems and veins.

    Ozone Damage: Ozone damage typically found near the generator. Although a rare problem, symptoms generally appear as a Mg deficiency, but the symptoms are localized to immediately around the generator...
  4. Roberts

    My first grow (lowryder #2 auto) Day #46...

    I like lowryder2, its a really good smoke :) my first grow also was lowryder now im growing northern lights (it's my 2nd grow)
  5. Roberts

    Best strain for a beginner/growbox

    in my first grow i did lowryder 2 it's really easy to grow, but for my - small yield, maybe because they were in small pots
  6. Roberts


    I will try to do that, hope it works
  7. Roberts


    look at this, maybe this is solution? I will get the temp up 4 sure
  8. Roberts


    maybe my thermometer is broken, but it says so!
  9. Roberts


    its okay to put ballast in the tent? is it safe? :D
  10. Roberts


    its like 17C thats 62F or so
  11. Roberts


    my temp is kinda low, but the lamps are close enough. maybe I need to put the ballast into the tent?
  12. Roberts


    my plants are 19 days into flowering, so the buds are not really big but thanks, I will try to fix that but is there a different way to do that?
  13. Roberts


    what is the optimum humidity for flowering? is 60% too high? how can I decrease it?
  14. Roberts

    Grow No2

    DAY 49 14 day's under 4X18W T5 24/7 15 day's under 250W MH 24/7 20 day's under 400W HPS 12/12 how are they looking?
  15. Roberts

    yellow stuff

    Potassium or Zinc ?
  16. Roberts

    First Indoor Grow In Shed 600w Journel

    i will follow this, looking really nice
  17. Roberts

    Grow No2

    DAY 45 14 day's under 4X18W T5 24/7 15 day's under 250W MH 24/7 16 day's under 400W HPS 12/12
  18. Roberts

    How do they look?

    looks good to me
  19. Roberts

    Grow No2

    how are they looking?