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  1. smokermore

    !$@!$@! Mold in Buds!

    This sux! I thought everything was going good, and then i spot mold IN my buds.....fuck! Ok so these buds have been curing for almost 2 weeks now, they hung dry for only 2 days before becoming bone dry, so i decided to jar em up. I let them sit in jars for 24 hours, took them out 24 hours...
  2. smokermore

    Seedsman Seeds-Skunk Mix-From the Beggining

    I tried something similar to that with a white widow seed just before i germinated these seeds. That was actually my origonal plan to grow 1 big ass ww, but never cracked, was sad. I ended up getting a razor blade and carefully cracked it myself as a last hope, and nothing ever happened. It was...
  3. smokermore

    Seedsman Seeds-Skunk Mix-From the Beggining

    Hmmmm, im starting to second guess my germination method. They have been in a cup of spring water for about 30 hours and only 2 have seemed to crack. I use to get awsome results this way, but now this is the second time in a row where seeds just are not cracking. Prob too late to move them to a...
  4. smokermore

    Seedsman Seeds-Skunk Mix-From the Beggining

    Welcome to my grow journal Seedsman Seeds:Skunk Mix Hello again my weed family. I open this thread in open arms, in hope I will learn something new along the way, and hopefully someone out there can get something out of this too. With that said, lets kick this thing off. Seeds/Strains- I...
  5. smokermore

    SeedsMan Seeds?

    wooohoooooooo!!!! i think i did luck out! I just checked usps and it says its been delivered today!!! Its weird cause i checked royal tracking yesterday, and it said the package was waiting to be sent to the usa, and now, sure enough, it says it made it to the usa today, made it to my unit at 10...
  6. smokermore

    Barneys Farm

    barneys farm is awsome, i just harvested some red diesel from barneys farm and im very happy with the all around grow. Red diesel does not stink whatsoever until about 7 weeks into flowering so thats a huge plus if smell is an issue for you.
  7. smokermore

    Selling not fully cured buds?

    ya its pretty expensive out here. thats what ive always known tho, you guys get it cheap! Thanks for all the comments, now i wont have any worries selling it to people :)
  8. smokermore

    Selling not fully cured buds?

    Is this a travesty? I dont want to but i really kinda have to, rents coming up :-(. The buds have been curing for maybe a week now. Havent burped them in 2 days, but last few times i checked on them theyve been really really dry. A good price for a QP here is 1200, thats what dealers pay, so ive...
  9. smokermore

    Red Diesel 8 weeks into flowering

    Thanks man, i was plesantly surprised too. Ive used ffof in the past, and had absolutely no problems with it. I tried using scotts soil from lowes, and it was a disaster, plants just looked horrible the whole time, and got a nice little gnat infestation. Then i tried roots organic, it was all...
  10. smokermore

    Few questions for my next grow

    I just had a few questions about pollinating. Is it ok to grow several different female strains in one area, and grow different male strains in another, and pollinate each different female with a different male pollin and expect that whichever strain i chose to pollinate is going to be infact...
  11. smokermore

    My purps are dry as a bone in two days!! why?

    The same exact thing just happened to me, and now im wondering if i should be more concerned too, crap! Before i chopped em and hung em, the plants were super dry, so i was thinking maybe thats why they dried up so fast. Maybe thats the same in your case? I ended up jarring em after only 2 days...
  12. smokermore

    Red Diesel 8 weeks into flowering

    thanks man i really appreciate that. Lets see, well now that i think about it, i might get some criticism for this. I chopped them not even a week ago, but, i made sure they were bone dry before i chopped them. There was no moister whatsoever in the soil by the time i chopped them. So then...
  13. smokermore

    SeedsMan Seeds?

    Whoa nice, i got some of that on the way hopefully. Ok ill be patient.... thanks man xD
  14. smokermore

    SeedsMan Seeds?

    Oh man i hope im not screwed. I checked their website and it does say they dont ship to the US. Like wtf? They charged me real quick. But i think i still have a chance. Even though their website says they dont ship here, i checked the tracking on usps and royal mail, and it still says the same...
  15. smokermore

    SeedsMan Seeds?

    Does anybody know anything about seedsman seeds? I ordered some seeds from them about a week ago. The charge went thru on 1-10-11, five days ago, and i have been checking the tracking update and it still says origin post is preparing this normal? i ordered alot of mix seeds, maybe...
  16. smokermore

    G13 Labs Pineapple Express Harvest

    Awsome job dude! Damn that screen really makes a huge difference! Never heard of ceramic metal halide, im gonna look into that, looks like it did you well
  17. smokermore

    G13 Labs Pineapple Express Harvest

    I use to look in that section too, theres nothing good there in the dairy area. Like you said, its all premixed shit. Theres ALOT of different stuff you can get in the baking isle, brownie mix, cookie mix, cake etc...
  18. smokermore

    Is it safe to smoke leaves suffering from nute burn?

    Yeah might as well just throw em away. I burn mine cause im paranoid about people going thru the trash. Trim leaves are always good to moke tho. I made one batch of cookies with my first harvests' trim and they were fucking badass! 1 cookie will fuck up the biggest stoner. I ate 6 lol. But...
  19. smokermore

    Red Diesel 8 weeks into flowering

    I hear ya man. Kills me too to see all those dead leaves. Im still really new to this, its only my 3rd grow, but i think i burned these more than the previous 2, but i definatly learned something here and HOPEFULLY my next grow will be more controled.
  20. smokermore

    Red Diesel 8 weeks into flowering

    Thanks for all the comments guys! really means alot to me. +rep for every1 lol. Ill keep the pics coming until their ready to smoke xD