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  1. N8fACt0R

    Best way to grow outside undetected

    Im selling them for 500 a piece. lol Want one?
  2. N8fACt0R

    Best way to grow outside undetected

    Use a spray painted 5 gallon bucket with drain holes in the bottom to plant in, cover your soil as much as possible, find a tree, tie a heavy rope around the bucket handle, throw the rope over the highest sturdy limb you can see, pull the bucket up into the lower forrest canopy, tie the rope...
  3. N8fACt0R

    Immediate response needed

    I uderstand the plants will die.. What Im more focusing on is rather if allowing the bud to remain on the plant until the are fully dry will harm the trich or bag appeal.
  4. N8fACt0R

    Immediate response needed

    Situation: Aerogarden 4 plants, Crop is ready for Harvest. Question: If the system is alowed to run dry, will allowing the bud to dry on the plant adveresley effect the bag appeal/trich development?
  5. N8fACt0R

    Does Temp Effect H20 Cure??

    In what ways could temperature effect the Water curing process? Would storing in the fridge produce a smoother Smoke?
  6. N8fACt0R

    Firstgro question

    If a plant has buds with varying degrees of ripeness ( prob. due to improper lighting ) and the ripe buds were removed ( removal of the entire branch ) would the remaining buds (the less mature ones still on the plant) be negatively effected?
  7. N8fACt0R


    Could a plant recieve the light it needs through a window? (Assume this is a very cheap double pane window with no visible glass tinting) I question if the glass would somehow alter the UV or perhaps alter some other component... any help here would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Everyone!
  8. N8fACt0R

    Is This Safe???

    I appreciate your input, it makes alot of sense. Thanks!
  9. N8fACt0R

    Is This Safe???

    A plant has been topped at roughly 14 -16 inches and at week 3 of flowering has produced 7 healthy stalks, however only 5 of those stalks have produced Very Nice/Any buds. Would it be benifical to remove these two stalks?
  10. N8fACt0R

    Will This Work?

    Haha, Nike Would be Proud! :) Alright I think I have found a way to transport the plants undetected so Im going to attempt to go the long haul... Hopefully this will work,, but just to be safe I'll Harvest one of them before I move so if something happens at least I'll have one plant :)
  11. N8fACt0R

    Will This Work?

    im ok with a low yield this time being that this is more or less a test run :) PROPS for the quick replies too both of you!!
  12. N8fACt0R

    Will This Work?

    Whats your estimate on when they would be ready? More around November 25?
  13. N8fACt0R

    Will This Work?

    they will have 55 days of 12/12 if I start tom.
  14. N8fACt0R

    Will This Work?

    I started from seeds :)
  15. N8fACt0R

    Will This Work?

    This is my first indoor and Aerogarden grow! :) FYI**(The parent plant was outdoor, short, bushy and VERY VERY potent.) I am currently on day 29 growing from seed, with my "kids" ranging between 5 to 8 inches and all have 2 sets of full leaves (VERY HEALTHY). I am unfortunately under time...
  16. N8fACt0R

    Aerogarden lighting question

    Hrmmmm.....Is there no way to find one that just plugs into a socket? instead of having to wire one?
  17. N8fACt0R

    Aerogarden lighting question

    What do u mean go HID? <---- Type of Light?? Name? Location?
  18. N8fACt0R

    Aerogarden lighting question

    Hey Thanks for the Quick Reply Man!! Yeah, Im doing the same with the HPS whenever flowering time comes around....Still trying to find one locally that i can just plug into the wall and not have to mess with much( although if you have any other suggestions for an easy flowering light setup...
  19. N8fACt0R

    Aerogarden lighting question

    Hi Everyone! I am currently on day 9 with my seedlings! I am using an Aerogarden (basic) as well as a 32 watt fluorescent (cool white) with a high output reflector (1750 lumens) as a side light. -WILL THIS BE ENOUGH LIGHT FOR GOOD VEG GROWTH?- My grow area is roughly 2x2 with around 4 ft of...
  20. N8fACt0R

    Aerogrow Lighting question

    Hi guys! This is my first post but I have been an avid browser on this sight for many weeks now! My Hat is off to you all for creating such helpful threads, GLAD TO MEET EVERYONE :)...