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  1. smokermore

    2 of my plants are looking horrible!

    temps been about 75 degrees with lights on, upper 60's at night. I wonder why 2 of them could have nute lock when there all the same clones being fed the same stuff.
  2. smokermore

    2 of my plants are looking horrible!

    the last time i flushed it was when i transplanted it over a month ago.
  3. smokermore

    2 of my plants are looking horrible!

    Hello everyone. I have eight red desiels all from the same mother, all in same soil, using same nutes, and 2 of them look horrible but the rest seem to be fine. I noticed the leaves started to curle up inward and i believe there were alot of dark spots. they looked prettydead but when i felt...
  4. smokermore

    good seeds

    i like to drop the seeds in a cup of distilled water. poke em every once and awhile until they sink, they almost always crack the next day
  5. smokermore

    Lighting cycles

    dude, no stress whatsoever. why do 14/10? why not justmake it simple and do 12/12? Although it probably would work, it doesnt seem to make any sense to me.
  6. smokermore

    few questions and pics

    hey whats up everyone. its been awhile and things seem to be going good, but i would still like to get some opinions and tips. One thing im most concerned with is how there so close together. i kinda had the idea i would do a sea of green method, but these plants have so many side branches and...
  7. smokermore

    Check out my babies! Tell me what you think!

    hey whats up everyone. its been awhile and things seem to be going good, but i would still like to get some opinions and tips. One thing im most concerned with is how there so close together. i kinda had the idea i would do a sea of green method, but these plants have so many side branches...
  8. smokermore

    it seems i have two tops but i didnt clip it. pics

    I have this weird branching going on. I think its kinda cool. All the branches seem to be coming from one spot so theres not really a main stem. I think this might of happend because it was my first time cloning and something just went wrong somewhere lol but it looks good to me. about 4 out of...
  9. smokermore

    When is the best time to start flowering??

    if you got all the space in the world, id veg the shit out of them and try to grow some massive trees
  10. smokermore

    When is the best time to start flowering??

    i like to veg for atleast 2 months. But it depends how you wanna grow. sog method you veg less and bunch them up closer together , thats kinda what im doing now
  11. smokermore

    Check out my babies! Tell me what you think!

    thnx bro. Dude nice up you got there. Those are some huge fucking colas you got there! Thnx !!! Im using roots organic too and i wish i stuck with ffof cause ive seen a few gnats in there, but nothing too bad. Ya man i think i cut down the mama too early. Reds up very quick lol. She looked...
  12. smokermore

    Check out my babies! Tell me what you think!

    Thnx mate. I might end up selling it all for cheap to pay off some dept lol. I might let it go for 1k per qp
  13. smokermore

    Check out my babies! Tell me what you think!

    Hi guys. Here are some pics of my babies. Almost 2 weeks into flowering, Red Desiel from Barneys Farm. Theres 8 plants total. One 5gal pot in the middle and seven 3gal pots surrounding. Does everything look ok and healthy to you?
  14. smokermore

    Legalizing it the right way did not work... now its time to go to WAR

    i use to think this exact thing alomg time ago lol. but now i think, dam thats alot of work. because i think if you really want a plant to survive you should at least veg it for awhile inside before just throwing it in the ground. ive thrown thousands of seeds all over everywhere and i dont...
  15. smokermore

    where to get co2 regulator for diy co2?

    i guess im the type of person that has to see for myself. ive already got the ingredients so ill see what happens and let you guys kno if i think my babies benifit
  16. smokermore

    where to get co2 regulator for diy co2?

    i did no math whatsoever. i just read a post and thought it sounded good. I read it this forum posted by someone named ninja. he seemed to kno what he was talking about and got alot of posotive comments. From what i read i basically use 1 tbs yeast per cup of sugar. from what i read the ammount...
  17. smokermore

    where to get co2 regulator for diy co2?

    i think ill just buy some yeast and sugar and not worry about the tubing and regulator and just put in in there like you suggested woodsmaneh. thnx again
  18. smokermore

    where to get co2 regulator for diy co2?

    lol ok thnx man no but i should prob think about getting that too depending on how much they cost. I was talking about a little regulator that u connect to the 1/4 inch tubing that would be coming out of the 2 liter bottle. The one i saw on this site had two airpockets that you fill half way...
  19. smokermore

    where to get co2 regulator for diy co2?

    hello again every1. sure if this is the right area for this question. but i was about to go and get some yeast and sugar and make some homeade co2 but i have no idea where to buy a regulator. i googled homebrew kits in my area and apparantly there are none. Can i get one at lowes or walmart in...
  20. smokermore

    drooping at night. not sure why or what to do.

    im not useing anything for co2. its just in an open space. ive been reading alot about co2 the past couple of days and someome wrote adding co2 is the single most way to maximize yeild. but then i also heard like a year or 2 ago those diy co2 dont really put out much and would be pointless. But...