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  1. jbcCT

    Rain during Flowering

    I would keep an eye on it. After the rain passes, what's the weather outlook? You wanna make sure to give em a good shake to get the excess water off. If they dry out right away you should be good. But after the rain if you had like a wicked hot & humid day that could be an issue. Low humidity...
  2. jbcCT

    Northeast weather 2017

    I also noticed for the first time this year a tiny bit of rot in one cola. I was able to easily pluck it out with some tweezers but I'm gonna have to keep a close eye on things. Looked more like decay as a piece of leaf grew into a bud and the bud encased it.
  3. jbcCT

    Northeast weather 2017

    My first grow I did the same thing. There's an old saying, we'll sort of; you kill the first ones, you watch the second grow, you super crop the third. Going on the 3rd straight day of pure sun, 90 degree day here in CT. I'm getting really close on some of my crop. Two of my smaller plants are...
  4. jbcCT

    Northeast weather 2017

    Looking good bro. I take it you didn't top those plants? I think you mentioned this was your first time, if so pat yourself on the back. I think the failure rate for growing is like 85% kill their plants as people tend to hover over them 20 times a day strangling them with too much water and...
  5. jbcCT

    Question for outdoor growers.

    In regards to strain in my own personal experience I have found that pure indica, land races or indica dom tend to grow better than sativas outdoors in the NE and they tend to grow better. I ran a pure Afghan last year next to a sativa dom and the Afghan fished, almost a full three weeks...
  6. jbcCT

    Question for outdoor growers.

    Yeah I believe it. As you know we have a short outdoor window in the northeast. I'm sure a fair number of us are working off seed rather than cuttings like on the west coast & that's what adds that extra time. This year I tried to germinate in May and it was still so cold the quickest I could...
  7. jbcCT

    Outdoor Gorilla Bomb 7ft

    Nice job man, that think is just massive. There's just no limit to what can be done outdoors compared to indoor. Your growing a dam tree.
  8. jbcCT

    Northeast weather 2017

    Hey Black, how close to finishing are you. I've got a few of my bigger girls that are still plumping up, 90% still white hairs and I know these won't finish until October. I'm about 5 weeks in, started from seed, in the dirt June 1st. I always push up against falls doorstep. I have the ability...
  9. jbcCT

    Yellowing lower leaves N def or Mg def???

    I've always found that in general weed is the type of plant that actually thrives on the dry side. I've had scenarios where I'm growing outdoors in 85 - 90 degree direct sun & only had to water once in a 7 day span and the plants loved it. Unlike vegetable plants that needed daily water to avoid...
  10. jbcCT

    Autos made seeds... what happened?

    Yeah, free seeds, that's awesome. If they were chalk full of beans it would be disappointing but heck a couple of fresh beans your next grow seems like a nice little gift. Last year's outdoor harvest ended up netting me a total of two seeds that I planted this year. Love getting that little...
  11. jbcCT

    Northeast weather 2017

    Wow, gonna be a blazing hot, sunny Sunday in CT. Could top 90 degrees. One last super sunny blast of energy to power the outdoor ladies to the finish. My whole f***ing yard stinks.
  12. jbcCT

    New England outdoors 2017

    Catching some late summer magic this weekend in CT. Straight sun and daytime temp should kiss 85 degrees all weekend. Has been nice and cool up here with ZERO bud rot. The humidity has been very low. Good little breeze from JOSE. I'm little over 5 weeks flowering looking to cross that finish line.
  13. jbcCT

    Flowering & Rain

    I friggin love the annual October harvest.
  14. jbcCT

    Northeast weather 2017

    Looks like we're finally getting a break weather wise in the NE. Been low 80's and sunny last few days and it looks like that will continue. I'm just about 3-4 weeks into flower and really need good weather for the next month. My plants don't seem to mind the cold one bit, night time temps...
  15. jbcCT

    Flowering & Rain

    I have the ability to shield my outdoor crops from rain. I personally don't like my buds getting soaked with rain unless the next day is hot enough to fully dry them out. I would shake the plant a bit and get as much of the heavy water off, weighs down the branches. Like to get the bud as dry as...
  16. jbcCT

    Harvest Time, or nah?

    Tbags spot on bro, October is the time......oh sweet sweet October the treats you bring. The drying curing trimming all nice nice a labor of love ole October brings.
  17. jbcCT

    How is my bagseed plant doing?

    I always loved doing a bag seed grow and still do. Back 10-15 years ago when the mexi cartels ran the trade, weed was all pressed into pricks, pissed on by a donkey, shipped off to the U.S you would get handfuls of seeds no matter what amount you bought. They used to grow like a mother f'er...
  18. jbcCT

    Bud worm or not

    Yeah not a bud worm but I hate any worm that wants to set up shop on my buds. No one likes the little black gritty turds they leave. I've had great success so far this year treating my whole grow area, with not a drop of that poison on my plants. I don't like spaying anything on my buds or...
  19. jbcCT

    Finishing up, northeast 2017

    Hey outdoor guys in the NE let's see some pics of finishing up before winter pounds our ass. Beautiful night out, Harvey rain passed, lot of sun today, low humidity, it's perfect hope it stays this way. After a cold summer 70 - 85 for September would be awesome, you should see ZERO bud rot as...
  20. jbcCT

    Magnesium Problem Worsening

    Ya know, I'm of the belief that 99% of problems with cannabis plants are not the plants fault, but us the growers. I try to just leave my plants alone, only responding when the plant asks for it. I take my mistakes and try to learn, the less I intervene the better.