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  1. brandon727272

    Angryblackman's Carport AfroGro 2012

    Grats on the early harvest man it looks great :D! I'm thinking about going to harborside and picking up a few clones in case I don't get two females... we'll see. I need to get my recommendation renewed in the next few weeks :(
  2. brandon727272

    Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)

    Wow flowa that looks like some CHRONIC! How are you guys doing? For my 4/20 this Friday, I'm going to wake up, prepare a breakfast, and then SMOKE MY COLA OF RED DRAGON THAT HAS BEEN CURING FOR 6 MONTHS! then I'll happily eat my breakfast :D. I'm going to freezer grind a lot of my bad...
  3. brandon727272

    "Main-Lining" Ace Of Spades (tutoral)

    Amazing thread nugbuckets! Would rep you if I could :D. After my plants show sex I'm going to try your main lining technique on them :mrgreen: I wonder how much longer they'll take... Also, how late can you pinch to still get 4 tops like Budologist's vortex does? Are those four all at...
  4. brandon727272

    " TGA Exclusive"---- Nugbuckets Style

    I'm excited for the vortex :D They're looking great man! What do you mean by they go "fetal"? Do the leaves just droop a lot or something? lol
  5. brandon727272

    We've got to prove we're adults now.aka I lerned it by waching you...Babysas' Hill

    My vote is for the Durban Poison :D. Looking good Baby, those are going to be monsters come August!
  6. brandon727272

    Scroggy's 2012 garden

    Beautiful garden scrog! That vertical raised bed idea for the Kale was a clever one. I'm subbed up, I've never seen Papaver Somniferum completely grown out :D
  7. brandon727272

    TGA Seed run Muti-Strains

    Nice man I'm definitely subbed up :D I'm kind of regretting not buying an Agent Orange pack :( oh well lol
  8. brandon727272

    Help test RIU's new "Like" system.....

    Lol whenever I read one of your posts I just imagine Tupac saying whatever you post and I just hyperlinked my rep button into my sig to trick people into repping me like kitty did muahahaha has not worked as of yet
  9. brandon727272

    Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)

    Dude holy fuck would I want to try some of that! why would you ask that :( looking good btw :D they both look so amazing but in their own different way. I think the tahoe looks more appetizing for me, but I have a feeling that Larry is a nice energizing high!
  10. brandon727272

    16000+ watts medigrow: og kush+ 13 x 1kw hps + 3 x t5 badboys + grotek = *HAPPY JOY*

    Wow those close ups are such a tease, I wish my weed was that D:
  11. brandon727272

    Help test RIU's new "Like" system.....

    Woot it's fixed! :D
  12. brandon727272

    Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)

    Ya I can't silently creep anymore because there's NO FUCKING LIKE BUTTON You have NEVER had sex with one of your models? Damn dude I don't know if I could do your job, that would make it kind of hard...
  13. brandon727272

    The Budologist's 2012 Outdoor Grow (TGA Forest)

    Beautiful shots man! I'm really liking the structure of the vortex! I bet that QuerklexAO is going to be a monster come fall... :D
  14. brandon727272

    Angryblackman's Carport AfroGro 2012

    Looks great man! It'll be nice to get an early teaser of your fall crop :D
  15. brandon727272

    I Had to Put the Naked Smackdown Down Last Night

    I would be pretty depressed if I got my shit rocked by some naked guy I was bitching at lol. Especially if afterward he said you just got punked by a naked guy
  16. brandon727272

    Ex-girlfriend rips mans scrotum off. OUCH.

    Holy fuck, I can't stop cringing while in this thread! I'M GETTING OUTTA HERE I can't believe he couldn't do anything while it was happening though wtf! I'm with you guys, he was tied up or something lol
  17. brandon727272

    Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)

    Hey Jin, happy Easter! Lovin the shout out lol! and that ode to PM had me laughing so hard hahah! Digging the charts too, I didn't even know about all those other CBG and other canna's. What is that burnt looking shit you're referring to? I just had some bomb ass rosemary turkey sandwiches...
  18. brandon727272

    Angryblackman's Carport AfroGro 2012

    I'm not going to put mine out until 4/20-5/1 sometime in there probably depending on the weather. I also really hope they show their sex before then... :/
  19. brandon727272

    Round Two, 2012!! Vortex and Plushberry in Super Soil

    I don't know exactly, but we're getting probably 12-13 hours of light a day, and the girls probably get 5-7 of it direct right now if even that. Things are going by slowly, but I keep telling myself they're growing faster than they did last year, and by the first week of May I had just gotten...