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  1. M!!..i think she's dying!

    ...I noticed her leaves started to really perk up even more so later on today. I also noticed some dark green start to come in on some of the middle upper leaves. Not too many though but I'm worried about it being any type of nute deficiency or poisoning. Other than that I'm seeing positive...
  2. M!!..i think she's dying!

    .. yeah, I did notice last night that she was still moist on the top. Therefore I forewent checking inside the soil and assumed she had plenty of water still. My main concern was having her soaked with the nute solution still and I just thought I was supposed to rinse her soil off with the...
  3. M!!..i think she's dying! of the day. Notice on the left side of the second pic to see what I meant about it looks like a missing appendage. So do I feed her tonight? Is so with regular water? A whole gallon to clean the soil from the nutes from yesterday? I'm assuming it's something like that but I want to...
  4. M!!..i think she's dying!

    how does she look?...
  5. M!!..i think she's dying!

    Hey Panhead, Well, here she is. I'm just worried about one side of the plant not bushing out like the other three sides. Check the pics to see what I mean. She looks kinda like an amputated patient. Is that something to worry about? Also, the leaves are still curling somewhat but like you...
  6. M!!..i think she's dying!

    ... mixed 3/4 tsp of each Sensi Grow A and Sensi Grow B. Hope that was right. I'm about to put her to bed now. Hope I did it right
  7. M!!..i think she's dying!

    Yeah, I was wrong before about her still being moist around the stem. It just looked moist because the soil is darker around the stem, being from the old soil and all. I didn't want to risk damaging the roots so when I had transplanted a week back or so(cant remember exactly), I transplanted...
  8. M!!..i think she's dying!

    ...and these are the ones from this morning... I tried to take a solid pic of the soil but my camera is acting kooky again. I'll probably have to buy a new one...crap. But from what I can see, the soil around the stem is still kinda moist while the rest of the soil on the outer edges is...
  9. M!!..i think she's dying!

    Good Afternoon Panhead, Hope everything is well with you and yours. Well, here's the latest pics. I took some before I gave her the final rinse last night and this morning I took these under the light. The discoloration doesn't seem to be spreading although I notice the tips of the newer...
  10. M!!..i think she's dying! far as feeding goes, I was wondering if you wanted me to keep up the foilage feeding since you mentioned that you wanted to see her without water for a few days because of overwatering suspicions. Last night I just rinsed her off with plain 6.7 ph water. Tonight I'll give her a third...
  11. M!!..i think she's dying!

    ... helpful as always. I'll hold off on the watering a day like you said. I was suspicious about those drooping leaves also. Especially how they curl at the tips. I still have to rinse tomorrow and the day after give her one more foliage feeding with the 30% solution right? And is there any...
  12. M!!..i think she's dying!

    ... but why would you say this is necessary exactly? I have some perierre here so...
  13. M!!..i think she's dying!

    ..sorry I took so many but I wanted to take some pics outside the light also since the light from the lamp might make her look more healthy than she is but I could be wrong. Should I take the next pics of her under the light or outside?
  14. M!!..i think she's dying!

    here's a couple more...
  15. M!!..i think she's dying!

    here's a couple more...
  16. M!!..i think she's dying!

    Hey Panhead, Wow, that's a huge bummer. I hope it's I'm not too late to get the light schedule back on track. I'll definately try and be more diligent with the 18-6 hr. light schedule. And I will be purchasing the timer you suggested tomorrow or I'll order it from ebay. Stuff like that is...
  17. M!!..i think she's dying!

    more pics... but before I get out of here for a bit I wanted to state that I got this seed from some high quality creepy as they call it here where I'm from. The bud had a mango pineapple type of smell to it, delicious I tell ya, and I found exactly 3 seeds in a whole entire ounce. I've...