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  1. C

    Leaf edges are curling on 2 of my plants.

    I should add I water my other plants with the same water so I don’t think it’s an issue with water or PH.
  2. C

    Leaf edges are curling on 2 of my plants.

    2 of my outdoor plants lead edges started curling in. Plants look great and green and have all season. Not sure if this a bad thing or I should be concerned. I noticed it about 3 days ago and they have just started going into flower. Thanks in advance!
  3. C

    Can you use BT during flower ?

    This is outdoor. And I just wanted to give one last good spray to handle any caterpillars. Do you have any other suggestions to handle caterpillars?
  4. C

    Can you use BT during flower ?

    My plants are about a week into flower? Can I still spray BT and insect soap? Thanks In advance
  5. C

    Do you prefer watering at night or in the morning for outdoor plants ?

    Just want to get some opinions. I usually water in the morning before the sun but I’ve been hearing that watering at night is better.
  6. C

    Pest and fungus control

    I use plant therapy and 3 days later I use Safer insect soap. Is this enough to protect against caterpillars? Would it be too much for the plants if I add monterrey BT? Let me know your thoughts thanks !
  7. C

    What to do if one of my biggest branches cracked ?

    When should I remove the tape? My plants are outdoor
  8. C

    What to do if one of my biggest branches cracked ?

    What kind of tape do you use? And Is the split just support underneath holding it up? Thanks for the help
  9. C

    What to do if one of my biggest branches cracked ?

    One of my bigger Branch is cracked about halfway through. Is it worth trying to save?
  10. C

    How much does good genetics have to do with results?

    Just wondering on how much do good genes come in to play ? Can you have a good grow with strong genes and not all kinds of nutrients? Just curious
  11. C

    What additives do I need for RO water ?

    Wondering what I need to add to ro water so the plant gets proper minerals.. Lmk thanks!
  12. C

    How to handle the white powdery mildew ?

    Want to know what I can do to get rid of and prevent the white powdery mildew ! Thanks !
  13. C

    How often should I use cal-mag if I’m using RO water ?

    Hi, just wondering how much cal-mag I need to use and how often with RO water. I’m using fox farm grow big and my plants are about a month old
  14. C

    What am I doing wrong ?

    Thanks for all the help guys !
  15. C

    What am I doing wrong ?

    What nutrients do you use ?
  16. C

    What am I doing wrong ?

    hahahah this made me laugh. Soo true
  17. C

    What am I doing wrong ?

    How much neem oil am I supposed to spray ? I was told to soak the leaves under and on top. I have the montere ready use neem oil
  18. C

    What am I doing wrong ?

    i also sprayed neem oil on the plants . Idk if that cause this
  19. C

    What am I doing wrong ?

    So should I go plain water for a while ?