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  1. Warlock1369

    ++Hellraizers++ DO AND DONTs and in and outs of the ebb&grow/ebb&flow systems

    I'm in a setup that gnats can't live. Just yet. It's funny how I worked so hard to get away from coco and soil. And after years I'm going back. Still not willing to go all the way just yet. And no not soil that's for my moms and outdoor only. So soil bugs are now in the back of my mind. Reason I...
  2. Warlock1369

    ++Hellraizers++ DO AND DONTs and in and outs of the ebb&grow/ebb&flow systems

    And it's diatomaceous earth. And can be problematic with ph in hydro. But works great if you can watch ph alot.
  3. Warlock1369

    ++Hellraizers++ DO AND DONTs and in and outs of the ebb&grow/ebb&flow systems

    Goknat an garlic work good. But never Tryed in hydro.
  4. Warlock1369

    Warlocks 2 day high CBD butter

    Looked at the link. What lab and how did they test it? Royal purp at .05%? it's tested other places at .14-.08% without a set range of testing there is no match from testers. Reason I won't have it tested.
  5. Warlock1369

    Warlocks 2 day high CBD butter

    And I have said changes are welcome. But you said there are strains with no CBD I want to know just 1. There isn't! there are very low CBD and CBN strains but none without. Even the human body holds a singal cell of CBD that is why we react to it so well. I didn't post this so people can just...
  6. Warlock1369

    the girls are looking great man. what up on +rep how do you get it?

    For the most part rep is a joke. Wouldn't bother me if I had none. Just means somebody liked your post and hit the star not the like button. And some people give random rep simply becouse they can't rep a few they do all the time. But your grow is looking good keep it up. And I realy don't rep...
  7. Warlock1369

    That's it. It's no longer "flushing" for harvest it's now "starving" for harvest.

    Without living microbial life in media to break down the molasses is no help. So that is set for midia only ideas. I stoped useing it about 2 years ago. And to tell you the truth I've seen little is any difference.
  8. Warlock1369

    ++Hellraizers++ DO AND DONTs and in and outs of the ebb&grow/ebb&flow systems

    If there was a set way that had no bugs or problems what so ever but yielded 1/2 of what I do now. My guess is I would switch on the spot. But sence there isn't and won't be all we can do is try different things.
  9. Warlock1369

    Why would anyone use an AeroGarden to grow pot?

    They do make a larger system that can grow to 2 feet but it's allmost $200 bucks. I think it's a waste but to them maybe not. Shit a 20L tray I airstone/pump and a small T5 would be cheeper and better. But you never know. Maybe mom got one and didn't like it. So the kid took it out of the trash...
  10. Warlock1369

    Why would anyone use an AeroGarden to grow pot?

    You are thinking of the aerogarden sold for hurbs in the kitchen. That is basically a DWC system. Here areoponics is a constant spray of water over roots. And can be as deep as you build it.
  11. Warlock1369

    Idea for keeping reservoir temps cool

    Not all flood tubes are like DWC. I run mine like a flood and drain system. Sence that is what my plant will get there whole life. I use tubes as a preveg. Well veg for now still working on a full veg room.
  12. Warlock1369

    ++Hellraizers++ DO AND DONTs and in and outs of the ebb&grow/ebb&flow systems

    If your going to use sand you might have a problem of it leaching down and getting into your system. And over time could do damage to the pump drives. If you do go that way I would advise a layer of coco mat befor sand. This might help keeping it out but that's just a guess. Then the poly over.
  13. Warlock1369

    Warlocks 2 day high CBD butter

    I've never done just butter or oil. Always used water with it. THC and CBD are infused into the butter/oil. But not the water. Don't think there is much loss at all if any. I'm sure there could be but I'm not worried about that small of amount. Maybe some day I will try just butter. Just not at...
  14. Warlock1369

    Warlocks 2 day high CBD butter

    Name 1 strain that has 0 CBD. And agin I didn't say it's a higher CBD count then what it starts with. Just the the lower and slower butter/oil exstraction allows more of the CBD in the plant to be removed then fast method. In the end if I started with .12 % I'm going to end with .12% and the THC...
  15. Warlock1369

    That's it. It's no longer "flushing" for harvest it's now "starving" for harvest.

    Well to bad it thread is still going but glad it Finaly went somewhere. To bad it's only after 16 pages of bs.
  16. Warlock1369

    cloning clones?

    Over 4 years. Started with four plants and been cloning clones sence. Haven't seen a drop in anything yet.
  17. Warlock1369

    Warlocks 2 day high CBD butter

    all cannabis has cbd's. I've never had mine tested but it's master kush. That tests around .12% from othere test. And I'm not saying I have a high CBD plant when making this. It's the slow prosses of how it's made that lets the butters oil get in the plant and pull more of the cbd's out. Unlike...
  18. Warlock1369

    Warlocks 2 day high CBD butter

    No fans where harmed in the making of this.
  19. Warlock1369

    Warlocks 2 day high CBD butter

    There is less then 24 hours of cooking. I havent spoiled a batch yet. Cook it low and slow. Don't go over 225f