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  1. snoyl

    Exodus Cheese 12/12 from seed

    First pic is one of the 2 I tied over,12/12fs,unfortunately shes been overwatered but shes starting to look a bit better. Next pic is the two Cheeses with a kush I mainlined for four. Im going to start taking better pics as things are starting to get interesting,lots of nice buds forming,and the...
  2. snoyl

    Are my girls ready to top ?

    For rapid growth build your plant off the first nodes of the first node.So you top at the first node,then top those two shoots at their first node.Heres what it can look like if you grow them out
  3. snoyl

    is there a cheap way to cool a 400 watt hps bulb?

    I would recommend getting a large oscilating fan blowing on your plants-you should have that anyway-and I suppose you could maybe get a clip on fan and clip it on the hood so its blowing on the bulb continously
  4. snoyl

    end of week 4 in flowering, how are my buds looking?

    Thats the doggies danglies lol.So did you not top her?I thought the stalk would have been mainlined.That must have taken some amount of vegging!Well worth it though eh,give yourself a pat on the back ;-)
  5. snoyl


    Its got me doubting myself,thinking it was stupid to grow with no drainage holes but its worked perfect for me up til now
  6. snoyl

    pictures are shitty , but how do you guys think these are coming along..

    That air pump in the first pic cant be doing much,the lines are kinked
  7. snoyl

    end of week 4 in flowering, how are my buds looking?

    Looking tip top,good job man well done.Any chance of a pic of the stalk?
  8. snoyl

    How late can you foliar feed into flowering?

    I would be very wary of foliar feeding once theyre flowering,plenty people,myself included,get great results without it,imo youre just asking for mould
  9. snoyl

    Red Blood(sap)?First Topping W/ LST

    Did you maybe cut yourself while you were toping the plant?lol
  10. snoyl


    I basicly grow Hempy style,but in soil and without the hole for drainage
  11. snoyl


    No,the way Ive always grown is in 3 gal buckets,I give them 2 liters of feed every 3/4/5 days.I know its not the done thing but it works for me-until now of course,Ive obviously watered them drunk then watered them again next day without checking first.Doh!Wont do that again though,the 2 plants...
  12. snoyl


    Ive badly over watered two of my plants and the leaves are all curled really bad.What should I do?
  13. snoyl

    mutant plant

    Youd need more than 3 26w cfls to veg 3 or 4 plants,youd maybe get away with one cfl per plant to start with but after a couple of weeks youd need more.You dont want to not give your plants enough light or theyll end up stretched,youre wanting the distance between nodes to be as short as possible.
  14. snoyl

    is this site 'safe' for posting etc??

    Say hello to my lil'....plant lol
  15. snoyl


    Thanks heaps for that link,excellent stuff.
  16. snoyl


    Whats STS?
  17. snoyl


    Did you use colloidal silver to get the pollen?
  18. snoyl

    mutant plant

    I have a plant that looks exactly like that,it was a clone that I took from a flowering mother then left to root under my hps on 12/12,no wonder its fucked.I grew it out but I dont have pics to hand,here she is just after she rooted
  19. snoyl


    Its ok I just read WDIK's thread!Ill do a bit of reading before starting threads in future I promise lol.Cheers for the reply Hex!
  20. snoyl


    Does this sound right-If I take a clone of a female,say Lemon Haze,and grow her but spray her with colloidal silver to produce male pollen sacs ok,if I then take another female,say Big Bud,and pollenate her with the LH pollen,would those seeds then be LH x BB feminized seeds?