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  1. Squidbilly

    How much will I pull from these bitches? (Under 2400w!) Yep another one of these threads :P

    lol, why do you have just one plant in each tent? You could probably quadruple whatever you pull this round, but I would say you should be happy with 4-6oz a tent.
  2. Squidbilly

    odor control in a closet with no access to outside air

    Ona gel works great! I wouldn't put it in your closet, but in the room the closet is in. I'm always amazed at how well it works and I always know as soon as it runs low. I would never grow without it.
  3. Squidbilly

    Do Not Buy Feminized Seed!

    I dunno, some of the best plants I've ever grown have been from the result of self pollination. In fact, any plant I've ever grown that was the result of a self pollination has been female, lol. I've never noticed a difference in fem or reg seeds in the vigor department. Eitherway as a...
  4. Squidbilly

    day 60 of my first 60 day wonder

    They look good, but they don't look like they are 60 days into flowering, especially for an advertised 60 day wonder. I would say they have at least a month left. If they aren't looking bigger/more developed in 15-20 days I would maybe start to look for environmental stressors.
  5. Squidbilly

    opinions on molasses

    In soil, if you have beneficials it is good for feeding those. It can also increase your chance of root rot if improperly or over used. There is enough information scattered around for you to make an informed descision based on your growing medium, style, and growing goals.
  6. Squidbilly

    Need advice! landlord is coming by in a few days

    I could feel it bro
  7. Squidbilly

    Positive Pressure in Tent

    It's very strain dependent too. You have to open your tent, and everything will get out when you do that- I always open up the ona when I have my tent open, otherwise my entire house will smell, when my tent is closed you can't smell it anywhere other than my grow room. I also use sprays, timed...
  8. Squidbilly

    Positive Pressure in Tent

    Positive pressure is no bueno in a tent. Most of the smell will still be going through your carbon filter, but in my experience, it will smell in the room the tent is in, but it won't stink outside the room the tent is in, and if it does(sometimes late in flower even with negative pressure is...
  9. Squidbilly

    Need advice! landlord is coming by in a few days

    You read my mind! It said view new posts, but I was typing, lol.
  10. Squidbilly

    Need advice! landlord is coming by in a few days

    The uhaul idea is good too, fu*k it-put your stuff in it and park it out front. I don't see the need for a tow behind or to needless drive around. If the landlord asks, just tell them your planning on bringing some stuff to storage and you have it rented for a couple days. Maybe they'll just...
  11. Squidbilly

    Need advice! landlord is coming by in a few days

    They should be okay with 36hrs. dark, if your really concearned it might do something then keeping a cfl or two on during for 12hrs of light would work too. If you could seal them somewhere that would work as long as you would be able to actually seal/cover up the odor. Sorry didn't read the...
  12. Squidbilly

    Advanced QWISO Tutorial

    what about bho? surely thats dirtier?
  13. Squidbilly

    topping above 4rth node

    If i were you, I would wait to chop any branches off. Topping it will slow it's vertical growth and the lower branches will catch up to the top. Those lower branches are also what makes LST so usefull- all those lower branches become tops! here are two plants I didn't top, just started...
  14. Squidbilly

    topping above 4rth node

    Patience grasshopper! lol, yes everything will be fine. Keep doing what your doing
  15. Squidbilly

    topping above 4rth node

    I wasn't even gonna suggest LST, but I was thinking about suggesting it-didn't want to throw too much info at you at once, but yes, LST would be a geat idea mate.
  16. Squidbilly

    topping above 4rth node

    So how much room will you have between the top of your container and the bottom of your light(when it's raised as high as it can go)? Remember plants can double(typical) to triple(definitely possible) in size during flowering, so plan accordingly.
  17. Squidbilly

    Wet Trim, Dry Trim, When to Trim?

    I hate triming wet- I feel like all that fresh chlyrophll produces a strong vegatative smell that hangs around during the dry and can sometimes linger around until the bud has started to cure. When I wet trim my buds go from smelling awesome to smellling like grass, I then have to wait a few...
  18. Squidbilly

    Wet Trim, Dry Trim, When to Trim?

    Wet trim- buds dry faster and IMO are way easier and less time consuming in the long run. Dry trim-buds takes longer to dry, are way harder to trim(especially after a hang dry when longer trim leaves are almost stuck to the buds-and sometimes everywhere depending on the strain) and more time...
  19. Squidbilly

    topping above 4rth node

    If you flipped right now you'd be lucky to get even an once, id wait a little longer unless your growing in a pc box or something. What kind of lights are you using for flower and how much room do you have?