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  1. Squidbilly

    2 weeks old seedlings recover after nute burn, but still need more advice

    I will second that cfls and t5s both produce heat on par watt for watt with HIDs CFLs of T5 are both fluros, I prefer the T5s because they are much safter and you have one fixture, with one cord, that can be raised and lowered with ease to work on your plants. As far as growing, as long as the...
  2. Squidbilly

    2 weeks old seedlings recover after nute burn, but still need more advice

    83 with a rh of 59 isn't bad at all. My flower tent is at 80 and rh is 40 and they are doing great. His problem is he's not exchanging air-usaully smaller grows can get away with this if they open the door at least once a day and let some fresh air in. That being said, with good air exchange...
  3. Squidbilly

    2 weeks old seedlings recover after nute burn, but still need more advice

    If your under 85degrees your usually ok unless your humidity is really low. Once you get some type of exhaust it should really help remove the old stale air. Remember you want air exchange AND air circulation. Fresh air coming in, old air going out, and a fan circulating air in the room...
  4. Squidbilly


    It's looks fairly big. If your canopy is any larger then 4'x4', I would get the biggest one you can. There is a huge difference growing in my 4x4 tent using that xxxl compared to my old hydrofarm reflector that is much smaller.
  5. Squidbilly


    You said that karma was expensive, I thought it would be more expensive then the xxxl :) I think I only paid $200 at my hydro's a massive reflector, lol.
  6. Squidbilly

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    ...wish there was a scratch and sniff function online so we could get the terpene profile too, that would lovely :)
  7. Squidbilly

    first time cloning,need experienced opinions

    I love the aero cloners, especially if your doing aeropoincs or some system with hydroton like dwc- I just wanted to point out that if you lose power or if a sprayer clogs for some reason and your not around you could lose them kinda quickly, that's all. Plus the heated prop and root riot set...
  8. Squidbilly


    I would say no, don't be the guinea pig. The amount of light lost through the holes is pretty insignificant, looks like another fancy overpriced item to me. I really like the Sunlight supply XXXL reflectors, the light spread is huge and they rock if you have to room for them. I think they are...
  9. Squidbilly

    Leaves Yellowing/spotting, curling 3 wks

    I was about to say they needed a transplant, but looks like you got it figured out! Great job : )
  10. Squidbilly

    Mould prevention

    Neem oil is a great preventative fungicide and insecticide. Just make sure to mix some soap in with your spray and do it while the lights are off and raise your lights really high so when it comes back on you have time to check your plants, make sure they are dry, and aren't going to...
  11. Squidbilly


    This^ and... I wouldn't say it's rootbound but if you plan on vegging much long longer I would probably transplant. They look a little hungry to me, probably for the reason DonAlejando explained.
  12. Squidbilly

    Plant size vs pot size

    Pounds go for 2500-4000 where I live, that is 15,000-24,000 worth of pot in year using one light! I think it would be really smart to start off doing a two month veg in 5 gal containers and 6 plants around one vertical light. If that works out good, then go bigger if you want. Remember, the...
  13. Squidbilly

    Plant size vs pot size

    If your doing a vertical, stadium style grow(vertical bulb with plants around it in a circle, rotate plants every couple days) and using 1 light, I would recommend doing 6 plants in 5 gal containers, vegged for two months. Dr. Gurber rocks it doing that style and his plants are 5-6' tall and...
  14. Squidbilly

    Plant size vs pot size

    I wouldn't expect two pounds a light, that is like the holy grail of growing! Don't want to disappoint you, just being honest. If you pull .5grams a watt your doing pretty darn good. Those guys outside...are outside : ) Big difference, even breeders will have two different numbers under...
  15. Squidbilly

    Plant size vs pot size

    And remember, .5 grams per watt is a good goal to shoot for-that is about a pound from a 1000w light-some of the vertical pros can pull close to 2 pounds per 1000w light-but that is on another level!
  16. Squidbilly

    Plant size vs pot size

    Outdoors and indoors are completely different. Also, if your planning on doing coco again you don't need as big of a container. You can grow trees in coco with much less medium then soil. And if your doing coco you'll be using ALOT of nutrients-coco get's fed at least once a day until 20%...
  17. Squidbilly

    Plant size vs pot size

    Also, remember the more you water/feed the bigger you plant will grow. If you use too big of a container, you will be watering/feeding less frequently. Even if you water 4x/week instead of 3x/week(just an example), that adds up over the course of the grow. If you take two clones from the same...
  18. Squidbilly

    Plant size vs pot size

    If you didn't fill the 20 why would you go larger, lol. I'm an idiot, what I should be telling you is start small, and transplant up every time you see roots coming out of the bottom. That way you don't go too big, and you'll have an idea of how quickly you can fill the medium and what size...
  19. Squidbilly

    Plant size vs pot size

    Yea, bigger pots=bigger plants, or more accurately Bigger roots=bigger plants- as long as you can fill the medium. I have never grown in anything bigger then a 25 gallon. and that was a mother I kept for over two years-and many say 1 gallon for each month the plant would be alive is perfect...
  20. Squidbilly

    Plant size vs pot size

    hmm....that's a tough call. Your probably going to yield about the same either way, so it's more about what works best for you and your space. I prefer smaller plants, they are easier to move and treat if any problems arise. One thing that is often over looked by newer growers is pest/pest...