first time cloning,need experienced opinions


Well-Known Member
a lil' aero action..

here is the nubbin's on 6/3 ......... 8 days I think

This is the next day 6/4

These are Dinafem: Power Kush & Dinachem

tnx for letting me post


Active Member
a lil' aero action..

here is the nubbin's on 6/3 ......... 8 days I think

This is the next day 6/4

These are Dinafem: Power Kush & Dinachem

tnx for letting me post
Its not pulling the pictures up,it might be because im on my phone but im not sure,and its no problem at all man.


Well-Known Member
I used a Turbokloner unit for a while. I found it subject to root rot from high water temps unless I put an interval timer on the pump. I went back to using a 'float n grow' which is a tray with a styrofoam insert that holds rapid rooter pellets. A little water in the bottom keeps the pellets moist under a dome. Also a seedling heat mat underneath. Set it and forget it. Roots in 8 days and always 100% success. Oh, and I use the same jar of Rootone I've had for 8 years. K.I.S.S.


Active Member
Circling back, sample pics tonight from my next run of clones, 4x Blueberry, 4x Pure Power Plant (PPP), 4x Jack The Ripper, Day 9, 2x 10W 24" LED Tubes for lighting, trimmed leaves, $60 DIY cloner. Cheers...
Great root action! I gave up on cloning for now,im going to get a little experience with seeds first.I have a little bit more money to throw at this hobby now so im untill I get proper equipment its just seeds for me,I have two started now,they are day 10 from sprout out of some decent bag seed



Well-Known Member
Nice, aero's definitely the way to go for clones, easy, quick :)
Aero's work great, but if you have a clog or a fuse blows your in trouble. I find the root riots using a heated propagator produces roots just as fast if not faster AND the heated prop/root riots are second to none for sprouting seeds-no germination-right into cube, right into propagator-sprouts in less then 5 days. My aero has been collecting dust for awhile. The whole set up with a tray, root riots, clonex, 2" dome(for seeds), 7" dome(for clones), and heat mat costs less then 50 bucks, cheaper then many DIY cloning machines I see as well.

Nice little setup for seeds and clones! I would never grow without a heated prop and root riots(or rapid rooters/similar product). And if the power goes out it's not a big deal if the heat mat goes off, it just shaves days off of sprout/root time.

So many different ways/methods people swear by. I will say *heat* is what brought my success rate to near 100% with seeds and clones, before I used the heat mat 75-80% was good for me. People have success cloning right into soil, so there is many ways it can be done.

I also find that making a cut with a razor blade NOT scissors(they crush the stem when you make a cut, but hey, I get lazy some times and scissors def. still work), shaving off the outter layer of stem up about a 1/2", and making your 45degree cut right through a node all make a big difference no matter what technique you use.


Well-Known Member
so far not lookin like death, but yea you want humidity, lots... 90% plus....
until roots form water is absorbed thru the leaf. if its wilted after 3-5 days, ask ur bud for another go at it...
did u split or shave the "stuck" end b4 root powder?
are u using any root foundation? (rockwool, root cube, etc)

I use root riot cubes, root tech get, and a sonic (cool mist) humidifier Split the bottom end up the center about 1/2", Scrape the bottom 1/4" to 1/2" of outer green skin, dip in gel, stick in cube....

90% success rate w/ either the tray/dome/heat mat or w/ the bucket sprayer cloner.
Exactly my experience with cloning^


Well-Known Member
Heat is the double edged blade with the sprayer style cloners too.... stop paying attention too long, the water in the bucket w/ that pump gets TOO warm, pisses ur clones right off... same time, if you are using one... getting that perfect water level and having it run a day or 2, it reaches and manages to maintain a happy just above room temp level.... least mine seems to...

just... dont let the roots go nuts n tangle into eachother, thats a bad day, lol


Well-Known Member
Aero's work great, but if you have a clog or a fuse blows your in trouble. I find the root riots using a heated propagator produces roots just as fast if not faster AND the heated prop/root riots are second to none for sprouting seeds-no germination-right into cube, right into propagator-sprouts in less then 5 days. My aero has been collecting dust for awhile. The whole set up with a tray, root riots, clonex, 2" dome(for seeds), 7" dome(for clones), and heat mat costs less then 50 bucks, cheaper then many DIY cloning machines I see as well.

Nice little setup for seeds and clones! I would never grow without a heated prop and root riots(or rapid rooters/similar product). And if the power goes out it's not a big deal if the heat mat goes off, it just shaves days off of sprout/root time.

So many different ways/methods people swear by. I will say *heat* is what brought my success rate to near 100% with seeds and clones, before I used the heat mat 75-80% was good for me. People have success cloning right into soil, so there is many ways it can be done.

I also find that making a cut with a razor blade NOT scissors(they crush the stem when you make a cut, but hey, I get lazy some times and scissors def. still work), shaving off the outter layer of stem up about a 1/2", and making your 45degree cut right through a node all make a big difference no matter what technique you use.
Good point on the clogging, never had one clog up on me but I use it strictly for cloning so 2 weeks, every 6-8 weeks, and clean it after each run by running it for 24-48 hours with diluted bleach solution. That seems to keep it running well and I keep a couple of spare sprayers around if needed (I've yet to replace one in about a year of use though). As far as fuses/breakers, I've never tripped a breaker by having too much on one circuit, but I over-engineer everything and have a total of 4 circuits between my flower room and veg cabinet, none of them run beyond 50% load, most aren't even hitting 30%.

I've used and will still use other methods when I can't run the cloner for some reason. Think I posted earlier that last round I had some that I popped straight into soil, no preparation, just cut, into a cup with PRO-Mix and they still rooted. I've used matts, cfl's underneath for additional heat for clones in party cups. They've all worked, I just find the aero cloners the easiest and most consistent for me so far.

Most of the time I cut at 45, scrape the bottom 1/2" or so, trim the leaves, split the end and put them in. But again, I've been lazy and just put them in a cup to root which worked.

I think you find what you like and go with it, there are many methods that will work, including just putting a cutting in a glass of water and wait. What I have found is that the success rate varies by strain, some strains will root super-easy, while others can take forever to root or root and go nowhere.


Well-Known Member
Heat is the double edged blade with the sprayer style cloners too.... stop paying attention too long, the water in the bucket w/ that pump gets TOO warm, pisses ur clones right off... same time, if you are using one... getting that perfect water level and having it run a day or 2, it reaches and manages to maintain a happy just above room temp level.... least mine seems to...

just... dont let the roots go nuts n tangle into eachother, thats a bad day, lol
I think they key to aero cloners is keeping the temps down, but not ridiculous, it's suggested by many growing in aero that the temps be kept around 68F. That's fine for vegging/flowering but with clones, they seem to like it a little warmer, I try and keep mine around 70-75F for clones and they're fine with that. BUT, with cloning they're only in there for 2 weeks, I change the water once in the middle and never get any sort of slime or the like. I've found It's much easier to keep the temps in check by putting the cloner on a cold concrete floor. Typically I use a tent which sits on a cold cement floor and the the temps never get beyond 72F in that environment. This round they're reaching 75F but it's sitting in a raised floor in the cabinet. Too much light will also raise temps, that's why this round I tried 2x 10W LED Tubes and they seem just as happy as when I usually run a 60W actual draw LED panel. If I had been running that LED panel in the cabinet this round I'd probably have higher res temps. And yes, once they root they start growing quick so get them out or you may have deal with untangling a mess of roots!


Well-Known Member
Aero's work great, but if you have a clog or a fuse blows your in trouble. I find the root riots using a heated propagator produces roots just as fast if not faster AND the heated prop/root riots are second to none for sprouting seeds-no germination-right into cube, right into propagator-sprouts in less then 5 days. My aero has been collecting dust for awhile. The whole set up with a tray, root riots, clonex, 2" dome(for seeds), 7" dome(for clones), and heat mat costs less then 50 bucks, cheaper then many DIY cloning machines I see as well.

Nice little setup for seeds and clones! I would never grow without a heated prop and root riots(or rapid rooters/similar product). And if the power goes out it's not a big deal if the heat mat goes off, it just shaves days off of sprout/root time.

So many different ways/methods people swear by. I will say *heat* is what brought my success rate to near 100% with seeds and clones, before I used the heat mat 75-80% was good for me. People have success cloning right into soil, so there is many ways it can be done.

I also find that making a cut with a razor blade NOT scissors(they crush the stem when you make a cut, but hey, I get lazy some times and scissors def. still work), shaving off the outter layer of stem up about a 1/2", and making your 45degree cut right through a node all make a big difference no matter what technique you use.
I'v also had great success with rapid rooters/root riot. I went to aero cause' Im gone from grow for 3-4 days at a time in winter, and I'm not around to mist dome every day, (also waay lazy) .
With aero, I just plug in and let it do it's thing, I found I have great results, if I don't F with it.

✌ bob


Well-Known Member
I love the aero cloners, especially if your doing aeropoincs or some system with hydroton like dwc- I just wanted to point out that if you lose power or if a sprayer clogs for some reason and your not around you could lose them kinda quickly, that's all. Plus the heated prop and root riot set up is fairly cheap and great for seeds and clones. I think it's a good choice for someone just starting.

I will say that the less clones I take, the more maintenance. For example, if I take 20+ clones and stick them in their moist root riot cubes and put the dome on, I literally don't have to do anything but lift the dome and shake out excess moisture each day, then after a few days I open the vents a tiny bit. I MIGHT have rewet the cubes once before they root....but, if I only take a few clones I have to mist the dome at least once a day and rewet the cubes a few times before they root-there just isn't enough moisture with only a couple cubes in there.


Well-Known Member
I suppose I should point out... my aero isnt a true aero....

I made a lid for my cloner bucket w/ 10 2" holes in it, i drop 2" baskets w/ neoprene covers in it, and plug my cuttings into root riot cubes, in the bucket...

works over 90% for me, I just hate the idea of the sprayers just rinsing the rooting compounds off.....


Well-Known Member
I suppose I should point out... my aero isnt a true aero.... I made a lid for my cloner bucket w/ 10 2" holes in it, i drop 2" baskets w/ neoprene covers in it, and plug my cuttings into root riot cubes, in the bucket...

works over 90% for me, I just hate the idea of the sprayers just rinsing the rooting compounds off.....
U don't need to use the rooting powder or the gel with an aero cloner. The cutting manufactures it's own hormone. Try it it works. I bought a cloner off eBay once and there was a sheet inside that i usually throw away but I read it that once. It said not to use powders or gels. So I tried it bc it did make sense. Ever put a cutting of something in a glass of water? Roots fine doesnt it? Well it does work with no added hormone. Who knew? Also, the gels and powders clog the manifold, and we cant have that, the misters have to shoot out a fine spray of water and oxygen which is what makes aero an aero system. The info also stated not to let the temp get too high or I would have problems with bacteria growing. Turned out to be true too. Lastly I use indirect light, for me I put the aero unit about 3ft from a T5 floro. No wilting, no yellowing and no damping off. Roots start in about 4 days and they're ready to plant in about 7-10 days. That's it, it's really easy I know guys swear by their systems and I'm no different, it's great to clones so fast I wonder why I'm not in the clone selling business instead of the bud business.


Well-Known Member
U don't need to use the rooting powder or the gel with an aero cloner. The cutting manufactures it's own hormone. Try it it works.
Agreed, there's no need for any of the root enhancers in aero, thats what I like about it, simplicity, just cut/score/scrape and pretty well forget about it. I change the res out after 1 week usually but only if the temps are above 70 like this round since I'm not in my normal environment and temps are higher. But even that is not necessary. Simple, relatively low maintenance, and great/consistent results, nothing wrong with that.