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  1. N

    Lost power

    Hello all, I’m 6 weeks into bloom in a Dwc and lost power Friday. The plant went almost 24hours without light or bubbles. I hooked a generator up and she’s staying on schedule now with the exception of a few hours without bubbles. She’s losing her stickiness, will it make it or I have I just...
  2. N

    What’s wrong with these plants

    Hello, I’m 3 weeks in on first grow and am having major issues with my leaves. They started out with just a few spots on leaves last Saturday. By Sunday they were starting to get covered. I figured it was a calmag issue since I’m using RO water. I did a complete change out last Sunday and added...
  3. N

    Leaves turning yellow

    So I went from yellow to brown. I’m wondering if this is a cal-mag issue. I’m using RO water and added 5 mil of cal mag to buckets. There’s probably 3 gal in each bucket
  4. N

    Leaves turning yellow

    That makes sense, thanks for the info. The last thing I wanna do is burn them up.
  5. N

    Leaves turning yellow

    My new question would be, tomorrow is the day I’m supposed to add more nutes(week 2). If my ppm is pretty good should I add more nutes? Adding nutes in week one is what caused some yellowing of leaves since it doubled my ppm. I just don’t want to keep stressing the plants
  6. N

    Leaves turning yellow

    Thanks, I caught the screw up fairly quick so they didn’t get too bad. They’ve recovered now. I’ve been adjusting ph twice a day for the past couple days and it’s finally started to level out between 5.7-5.8.
  7. N

    Leaves turning yellow

    Thanks for the info
  8. N

    Leaves turning yellow

    Thanks for the info
  9. N

    Leaves turning yellow

    the ph has jumped back to 6. What causes it to jump like that?
  10. N

    Leaves turning yellow

    Oh was good the day I diluted the water. It was in the 5.5-5.8range but when I checked it the next morning it was up to like 6.6-6.8 Range so I dropped it back down to 5.7. Gonna check it again soon to see if it increased again
  11. N

    Leaves turning yellow

    Hello all, new Dwc grower here and am experiencing a issue already. During the beginning of week two I added nutrients and used half the recommended dosage. My ppm meter quite working so I couldn’t check ppm till the next day. My ppm was 600+. Since I’m still in the seedling stage I figured that...
  12. N

    Will this air con do for this room and also closed room question

    I appreciate the heads up. I guess I’ll be buying a tank tomorrow.
  13. N

    Will this air con do for this room and also closed room question

    I’m not running co2 yet, I just got seeds germinated and in rock wool. I have a couple of co2 bags to hang in there. I was hoping that would be enough since I’ll be bringing cool air in from a different carbon filter and fan. I also have a humidifier and dehumidifier hooked to an inkbird...
  14. N

    Will this air con do for this room and also closed room question

    Newbie here, I’m in a 5x5 sealed room. That’s in a basement like environment. The lights put off enough heat (spider farmer sf4000) to keep room hot, above 83. So my question is, instead of hooking up a portable ac unit or running exhaust fan constantly could I use another fan and carbon filter...
  15. N

    Who ships discreetly?

    Amazon. Just make sure you look at order and select ship in Amazon packaging.
  16. N

    Air quality

    Hello. My grow room is going to be in my crawl space. I plan on pulling air from crawl space into grow room. Trouble is the air is stale. So I’m wondering if I can put a fan in crawl space to circulate air and use a hepa filter to filtrate the air going into grow room. Would this work?
  17. N

    Cutting hole in ceiling for extraction. Also where to get air in from?

    The grow room will be under the house as well. You think I could extract air out of tent to one end of crawl space and pull fresh air in from another end while using a dehumidifier? There would be a distance of 35-40 ft between the air “dump” section and the intake. I’m having trouble figuring...
  18. N

    Cutting hole in ceiling for extraction. Also where to get air in from?

    My closest neighbor (1/4 mile up rd) just happens to be a K9 cop. He doesn’t visit or anything but….better safe than sorry. Especially since it’s illegal here. So carbon filter it is
  19. N

    New room construction

    Since I live in cave country I decided to blow off some leaves in an area that looked “cave friendly’ and discovered this. Looks like a formation of some sort. I’m gonna check the property below this formation at a later time. I’m recovering from a wreck and limited on my abilities at the moment.