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  1. Stickylungs

    Led Users Unite!

    I don't have meters to read par and all that jazz. I find that most company readings are pretty accurate
  2. Stickylungs

    Led Users Unite!

    1cup per 3 gallon pot
  3. Stickylungs

    Led Users Unite!

    Holy shizzit. They slappen heads up there
  4. Stickylungs

    Led Users Unite!

    Save yourself some . Get Jack's 10-30-20 from Amazon. One tub last me a year
  5. Stickylungs

    Led Users Unite!

    What do you use for feed
  6. Stickylungs

    Led Users Unite!

    Your doing fine buy the looks of her.
  7. Stickylungs

    Led Users Unite!

    I've read alot of people say that. Use mosquito bites on top of pot. I usually put a cup full on top and let the pot dry up a bit just so I don't get them. Been luck I haven't got a bag with them in it
  8. Stickylungs

    Led Users Unite!

    Yes I use it to but I cut it 50/50 with ocean Forest. I don't pH anything in this medium
  9. Stickylungs

    Led Users Unite!

    What medium you grow in?
  10. Stickylungs

    Led Users Unite!

    Purple stems might be genetic traits. I wouldn't chase it trying to correct might create more issues. I have the same thing on some but not all of my plants ( different strains). She looks fine to me.
  11. Stickylungs

    Led Users Unite!

    Chem 4 under the 550's
  12. Stickylungs

    Led Users Unite!

    HLG 550 RSPEC I'm sold on these LEDs. Have 2 of them
  13. Stickylungs

    Help please! Slow growth in coco, won’t dry out

    This is the best responce to the problem. Gotta get roots to build first before you hammer them with feedings. No roots = no yield.
  14. Stickylungs

    Useful Seeds

    Is that a HLG light your using?
  15. Stickylungs

    Useful Seeds

    Like what I'm seeing with the B.O X GTE AND THE SOUR PRINCESS X GTE. So now it's time to pop some WHITE LOTUS X GTE. Useful any info on flower times with these X'S ?
  16. Stickylungs

    Bad Dog Genetics

    Might want to throw some magnesium at her. Looks like some yellowing going on.what medium you growing in?
  17. Stickylungs

    Bad Dog Genetics

    For sure ill post up in here.. in cups now just gave them there first light feeding
  18. Stickylungs

    Useful Seeds

    The B.O. and S.P X GTE must have been dieting to take the plunge. 24 hrs and tails are out. Pretty impressive I say
  19. Stickylungs

    Bad Dog Genetics

    Sounds awesome. Will these be freebies or be listed in bad dog genetics ?
  20. Stickylungs

    Useful Seeds

    So I finally have room to pop some seeds. BLOOD ORANGE X GTE SOUR PRINCESS X GTE are in for the swim Updates in the near future