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  1. workinit

    Tangilope Hydro Grow

    Flowering time given by breeders is more of a "guideline" than a rule. One pheno may go 9 weeks and another pheno go 14 weeks and that's grown by pro's with years of experience and a perfect environment. The average grower should add a week or two. Keep it up you look to be on track. I have...
  2. workinit

    Tangilope Hydro Grow

    I was just getting ready to say that looks like a full blown sativa. They can go 14 or 15 weeks! You DO NOT have N toxicity. To my eyes they look terrific!
  3. workinit

    First time grower. Plant problem. Help appreciated

    Lol your a walking talking reason for birth control
  4. workinit

    First time grower. Plant problem. Help appreciated

    Good luck with that. Your such an idiot. 75 degrees max is too hot? Not where I come from. It's called healthy calyx development retard. I'm sure your not real familiar what healthy plants look like so make sure to take a close look at mine. You do understand that each "hair" or pistil...
  5. workinit

    First time grower. Plant problem. Help appreciated

    Lol, that's man style mutherfucker. You can read right? I said 20 days. Come see me in another 30 or you can troll my grow. You might learn something.
  6. workinit

    First time grower. Plant problem. Help appreciated

    Why do people insist on making this hard. It's a fucking plant and grows just like millions and millions of other plants. I will say it from the cheap seats one more time. YOU DO NOT NEED TO ADJUST YOUR SOLUTION'S PH IF YOUR GROWING IN A BUFFERED MEDIUM!!! 20 Days of 12/12. Mineral salt...
  7. workinit

    First time grower. Plant problem. Help appreciated

    Hey retard, can you even explain what alkalinity is and why it's far more important that PH when growing in a buffered medium?
  8. workinit

    First time grower. Plant problem. Help appreciated

    Damn your fucking stupid. I will explain it to you again very slowly you stupid fuck. I never asked him WHAT his PH was I asked IF he was PH'ing his water/soulution and with what. See you blithering moron, if he is PH'ing his solution with say Phosphoric Acid he would be watering with a...
  9. workinit

    First time grower. Plant problem. Help appreciated

    Lol, the plants in your 8,000 square foot grow area look like shit.
  10. workinit

    Yellowing Leaves - 3wks in

    Because the plants in those pictures are fried from obvious excess P?
  11. workinit

    Yellowing Leaves - 3wks in

    I would just feed the N source. If you have been giving them the bloom there should be sufficient P and K already in the medium. Remember what I said earlier, she is taking N ions from her own leaves because she NEEDS it.
  12. workinit

    Yellowing Leaves - 3wks in

    One school of thought says one should keep their plants nice and green from start to finish. If she's taking N ions from her leaves it means she needs them. I would feed a mild dose of a high N fertilizer. Keep in mind you have been feeding P and K with the bloom formula so a 5-0-0 or...
  13. workinit

    First time grower. Plant problem. Help appreciated

    It's official, your a fucking moron.
  14. workinit

    First time grower. Plant problem. Help appreciated

    Oh, and where are your pics? Not those two you hijacked, some real ones.
  15. workinit

    First time grower. Plant problem. Help appreciated

    Yea, they are just rotten to have been in dixie cups 3 weeks ago. Shot below is 16 days barely two weeks of 12/12. Ya gotta admit it's kinda impressive. Notice that nice green lushness? No burn't tips here! It's not that your an idiot, you just know so much that isn't true.
  16. workinit

    Northern lights brown spots

    If your growing in promix here is the recipe for success. Get an PPM meter. Make sure your starting water has a PPM reading of less than 100 ppm, do this by by cutting you tap with RO. You can get RO at WallyWorld for 37 cents a gallon. First feeding at at 250 ppm. Will see major improvement...
  17. workinit

    Nut def or burn?

    Been their myself, your wasting time at this point.
  18. workinit

    First time grower. Plant problem. Help appreciated

    Yea it's workin out terrible.
  19. workinit

    First time grower. Plant problem. Help appreciated

    Wow, what part of the PH of water/solution in soil does not matter do you not grasp? Take some remedial reading comprehension classes there bud. And so far as my post in the link, my question was to discover if he was PH'ing his water and with what. See if you knew anything at all you would...
  20. workinit

    Seedling/Plants problems please help? (different strains, different problems)

    Are you PH'ing the water to 6 or is that how it come out of the bottle. If you are PH'ing what are you using to lower it.