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  1. M

    Any idea whats wrong with my clones (pics)

    To answer all questions asked so far: fox farm ocean forest. Im not growing them out of a carboard box, like i said ill quickly take the 5 best and put them into their own pots. I dont think its overwatered. Only one or two or them are dropping. Im more concerned about the yellowing and lack...
  2. M

    Any idea whats wrong with my clones (pics)

    They were cut 3 weeks ago. Transplanted last week. I want to take the 5 best and put it into pots, but they all seem to be suffering.
  3. M


    seems like underwatering was the answer
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    what should i look for to distinguish? I looked at the roots they seem really dry and crispy. I therefore decided to give em water.
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    if overwatering, whats the best way to fix?
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    yes there are holes, the pots are well drainable. good amount of perlite too.
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    the lights were just turned off for the pics i have them on 24/7. about 5-6 weeks into veg in 4 gallon pots. i dont water that often have watered maybe 3 times in 2 weeks. Most plants are ok but 4 of them seem to be drowning. How to salvage?
  8. M


    What do you think? Last pic is of a different plant.
  9. M

    1000 watt hps distance

    approaching 3 weeks from sprout.. 1000 watt hortilux.. how far would you keep it from plant? I currently have it at about 4 feet away.. maybe a little less and i can easily put my hand like 2 feet away and not feel any discomfort but im also a little worried about bringing em too close...
  10. M

    Diagnosis please (pics)

    Approaching two weeks here are some photos.. what you guys think?
  11. M

    Diagnosis please (pics)

    the older leaves on some of these plants are turning more and more light green, it actually seems to be more prominent in my pots that have a higher perlite ratio. new leaves seem to be coming in very narrow and growth does seem slow.. any ideas?
  12. M

    Diagnosis please (pics)

    does anyone else have an opinion as to what it could be? i really feel like theres no new growth either in a few days i just misted more underneath the plants for the second time
  13. M

    Diagnosis please (pics)

    well i just did my first foliar spray we'll see what happens any other opinions in the mean time?
  14. M

    Diagnosis please (pics)

    Well im definetely not overwatering as im in day 11 and only watered once about a liter per 4 gallon pot on first transplant. I dont see any nute burns so im not convinced.. yet.. that it needs to be flushed.. besides.. im not sure i understand the idea behind flushing.. doesnt it harm the...
  15. M

    Diagnosis please (pics)

    im starting to think mg deficiency.. but i dont understand how that could happen if my soil ph is good.
  16. M

    Diagnosis please (pics)

    another thing i can add is that i didnt flush my soil before planting.
  17. M

    Diagnosis please (pics)

    Already one step ahead of ya bud.. just did that. So the first one is the only one with the tips burnt a little. The third one is the one with the discoloration that i cannot understand. The other ones are from other similar plants with similar problems. I should note at this point that when...
  18. M

    Diagnosis please (pics)

    well seems alot of people are able to grow from 1000 watts as long as distance and heat issues are handled. My seedlings really dont seem to be in heat shock or stress.. only saw one plant with slightly burnt tips. also its a hortilux bulb which is good for veg and flower. ill try and take...
  19. M

    Diagnosis please (pics)

    I think im about 10 days from sprout. Some plants are growing really great, others barely, and some seem to have issues. I figure this is the case when getting a new batch of seeds rather than clones. Got 2 1000 watt lights at least 4 ft away. Temps seem to be 78-84 though i suspect its...
  20. M

    So i made a big mistake.. any way to fix?

    well ive taken off anything thats been falling.. now almost all of them are just stems standing up from the soil.