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  1. B

    Sick plant need help!

    don't look that bad just water the next time it needs it
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    Opinions wanted on trichome pics plz

    they look to me to clear they need to be cloudy with some amber
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    Do anybody use foxfarm?

    yep like taking your old soil putting in a kiddy pool filled with your red winglers and feeding them your scraps and leaves and then you have good soil again for another grow
  4. B

    Do anybody use foxfarm?

    no I just stop the cal/mag flower bloom mammouth p and recharge and then only water when they need it the last week or so
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    I have a 1Kw Light and 600w light how can i cool these with what I have?

    with fans you should pull air but with a lot of heat like a cool hood I have been told to push it so not to get the fan to hot a burn it up
  6. B

    Do anybody use foxfarm?

    whats the matter with ff I have pretty good luck with it
  7. B

    Do anybody use foxfarm?

    yes fox farm ocean grow soil
  8. B

    6x4 flower and 5x4 veg

    first I would get 2 600 watts light more coverage and better height control next I would take a little time clone 3 this week then clone 3 next week and so on let then veg for 4weeks or so then start putting them into flower
  9. B

    Possible calcium deficiency

    looks like you need a little cal/mag
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    SoG grow room question

    30/70 should work
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    CXB3590 36V, 3500K (x15), HLG 240h-1400b Driver (x3), 5.886" x46" HUSA Passive Heatsink (x3) setup

    ok I thought 47.5 inches in your heatsink would work but your about maxed fans on heat sink will keep them cooler and more effecient
  12. B

    CXB3590 36V, 3500K (x15), HLG 240h-1400b Driver (x3), 5.886" x46" HUSA Passive Heatsink (x3) setup

    did you double check your math on heat sink if your correct maybe you fan running in your grow tent would cool it enough to run full power if you did not want to put a fan on each heat sink your length is really close to being passive now
  13. B

    Yellow leaves

    I looks hungry what are you feeding also might want some cal/mag
  14. B

    Do I need to use calmag with tap water?

    your tap water has some minerals in it but I add a little to mine I don't want a problem as far as nutes all plants are different some like a lot some don't try 1/4 to 1/2 amount suggested on bottle
  15. B

    The big LED question...

    you might want to watch greengenes garden and growmau5 see there led kick hps ass maybe that's where you saw the bullshit
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    Heatsink question (CXB3590 x16, HLG320H-C1050A x 2 setup in a 4'x4'x7' tent)

    looks like you want more cobs lower amps to get efficacy that's great, but for me I would put them on smaller drivers and add two more, do to only what if a driver go's out, you lose half of your lighting till you can get a new one but you should have a great light ether way you go
  17. B

    Hey old many over 50 yrs?

    the 70's brown and black hash, Acapulco gold and Colombian remember them well
  18. B

    Are these ready for harvest?

    those cobs will generally make harvest earlier. now on the trics if your not seeing any more clear then you can harvest some do and some wait till they see a few amber trics I would wait till I see a few amber but remember when you see amber those trics are starting to degrade all depends on the...
  19. B

    How many plants in a 4x4

    I would do 4
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    Newbie qustions

    be careful with that 600 watt with new seedlings