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  1. B

    Germination Question

    Hey Guys! I've been growing hydro, generally from seed, for a couple years now with pretty good luck. I just can't seem to get the germination down to a science. The method I use is this, I put the seeds in a glass of water for a couple days to get them started, then transfer to a paper towel...
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    Boy or Girl?

    What a bummer! :( Granddaddy purple.... Oh well, 1 down and 3 to go... Thank You!
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    Boy or Girl?

    Hello Everyone, Boy... Correct?
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    Hillbilly Chiller help Please!

    Sounds pretty cool there Smootherpete, great idea. Well it appears I've got it as far as the water levels go. I raised back buckets up a few inches as well as the front chiller cooler. It appears to have done the trick... Now I'm just concerned about the lights. They're not directly above my...
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    Hillbilly Chiller help Please!

    Crazy, now the level in the back buckets is lower but the front chiller bucket is filling up more and the 2 front buckets are staying at the same level.. Grrrr frustrating.
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    Hillbilly Chiller help Please!

    Here's a couple better pictures... Unfortunately I wouldn't know the first thing about building a manifold, whatever that is, nor Ball valves. I am the epitamy of a novice. And Deusracing, my little lunch boxes have grown me 3 harvests of 1lb plants each. I actually switched to those...
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    Hillbilly Chiller help Please!

    Thanks for the respose JohnnySocko! You're probably right, they're only 1/2 inch lines, but exactly the specs that dude had in the video. Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this, with the same lines? pumps in the back buckets maybe? lift the back buckets up a couple inches maybe? I dunno... :(
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    Hillbilly Chiller help Please!

    Hello everyone! So I took this guys advise and built a hillbilly chiller... Here's where I found it.. Here's a couple pics of mine Right now I'm using a puny 60 gph pump and will be getting a 185. My problem is the back buckets are filling up and...
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    DWC to RCDWC question

    Hey guys and gals :) I'm on my 3rd grow and while the yields have not been terrible, I'm still having some fugly root issues. I've tried just about everything with not alot of success. I'm pretty sure it's all about temp issues. I'm running 4 seperate 4-5 gallon buckets under 2 600 and 1 400...
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    How to tell when it's 3 weeks before harvest?

    Awesome! Thank you grownups! I'll start the overdrive for those two weeks when the trichs are cloudy. I'm not sure I get what you mean by "curl over" though.
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    How to tell when it's 3 weeks before harvest?

    Hello everyone, I'm having a hard time trying to figure out the best time to harvest. I have 3 plants that I'm doing a 10 week flowering schedule. I'm not sure if it will actually be 10 weeks or not, but this is what I'm going by. Going by that, I stop the Big bud and start the overdrive in...
  12. B

    Any suggestion? Plants too tall!

    Hey Purple, Thanks for the reply! I've actually supercropped #2 and 3 quite a but. NOt sure what LST is, but will look that up. I'll be attempting to supercrop #1. Thanks again!
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    Any suggestion? Plants too tall!

    Hey guys, My plants are too freakin' tall! Their in the 4th week of flowerig and there's no way to raise the lights any higher! :( What should I do? Should I just prune the tops that have already begun flowering, or just let them burn up and hope for the best? :fire: What a bummer! This is my...
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    First grow / DWC

    Well I've been using 2oz of SensiGrow A and 2oz of SensiGrow B with 3 tsp of CalMag in a 4gal res of ro'd water, all once a week. I top with plain ro'd water throughout the week. There you have that. I just put all 3 into flower, the first 2 I'm flushing and the 3rd I put straight into nutes...
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    First grow / DWC

    So..... I'm still wondering.... according to the feed chart, no flush in between is necessary correct??
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    First grow / DWC

    I looked it up on youtube and don't really see how it would work either. :hump:
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    First grow / DWC

    yes, it a photo plant, and I'm sorry, I'm a little slow... I don't know what any of that means.... 6500K to stop stretch? 6500K what? 5000k/6500k? 2700k/3000k what? I have no clue Have you pesonally used that cooler? What I'm wondering about that is.... how on earth did you make a whole in the...
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    First grow / DWC

    Hey guys, This is my first grow / DWC / Liberty haze, supposedly. Veged them with Sensigrow. I started in 5 gallon bukets, reglular Lowes buckets. I was having a hard time with the water temp. My ventalation sucks, there is none, other than a few fans w/central air. I'm using the old frozen...
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    Do I add nutes in between feeding?

    Thank you topfuel, I'll take your advise and do what I was doing :)
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    Do I add nutes in between feeding?

    Why thank you! Sorry I neglected that important aspect, using DWC, where I have to maunally add water and nutes. I change it out weekly with nutes and top off throughout the week with plain ro'd water, ph'd. I'm just a little concerned because of the amount of water they are drinking, I'm not...