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  1. D

    Led grow lights little advice needed ..

    uI see these new led lights , was wonder were and how mh watts I should go .Does anyone use them if so can you tell me about your experence with thanks so much .
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    3 weeks old big problems

    Also tell us about your lights watt , what ur using . The light looks really yellow correct me if Iam wrong but CFL
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    3 weeks old big problems

    Make sure ur PH is about 6.5 , just buy gallon water , next make sure you lights are 18 inches from the top of the plant . Maybe try flushing ur plants ,with the water that is for sure around 6.5 PH . Thoses pot will work but youll have to pay closer attention until there bigger . Dont get the...
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    1ST EVERGROW , 600 watt advice ?

    Thank you , Ive picked so many help tips , if would have take so much longer .Ill make sure to pass on the advice .Ive made all possible changes , got the temp down to 70 night /6 and day/18 temp 80 so much better .And also looking in to a T5 and CFL's and very near future , glad I can...
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    1ST EVERGROW , 600 watt advice ?

    I was think about what you said theres a switch were i can run my 600 w at 50% or 75% and then 100% , you think i should keep it on 50 % until the plants are larger , plus I think it well help keep the temp down , not including my power bill .I mean they had to put it on there for some...
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    1ST EVERGROW , 600 watt advice ?

    Ps , Ive been getting better at the room temp been keeping it in the 80-87 temp ive been getting close to my desire room temp , its not that i dont know what iam doing on the temp , its just more the design of the room , i dont some might be me : ) .... Iam going to have a total of 3...
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    1ST EVERGROW , 600 watt advice ?

    As far as the air yes , one medium size fan in the closet and another larger full size fan bringing in fresh/cool air . They are 18/6 light / sleep . The soil is new , matter of fact everything is new . Also thos are not stalks , they are like a strong wire tire , some times I catch my fan...
  8. D

    Need helpful tips on my grow. This is my first rodeo.

    Does the foil under the plant seem to improve the grow much ?
  9. D

    1ST EVERGROW , 600 watt advice ?

    Sorry for newbee stats, so anyway the the tallest plant are about 3-4 weeks old , Ive ran my first ph and soil test they were at the right level .I know iam not over watering them I can smell that small a lil bit ,the soil is pretty good , I havnt went cheap and take an short cuts alone the way...