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  1. cackpircings

    Dry And Toothie BJ

    Talk about good food it will make her mouth water, after that it should cover the dry part. Now the toothy part I don’t know what tell ya, because it sounds to me like thinks this is ok. You need to show her how to suck a good cock before she gets too used to you and stop sucking on your...
  2. cackpircings

    McD's, Burger KIng or Taco bell??

    Taco Bell is the shit I am going to get some now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. cackpircings

    Lady's 12/12 from seeds wit 400whps

    They all died? I wonder what happened… Well good luck.
  4. cackpircings

    Blunt question

    I don’t just roll blunts, I roll strait up gorilla fingers I call them crowd pleasers! Yeah just smoke your weed out of a can when you get to your destination
  5. cackpircings

    how to get away with growing( but everybody breaks rule 1)

    I am a medical grower in WA. ST. and don’t worry about the cops because I am legit. However I am more worried about robbers busting in and trying to take my shit. People know about my grow, but it’s just the norm where I live. Everyone I know is a close friend, and I don’t...
  6. cackpircings

    World's Dumbest Growing Advice

    Dude I see so much dumb advice given… I attribute it all to the fact that people take other words and just believe it without doing the research to back it up… I found that fucking up a lot of plants is what got me good at growing. I know the limits of what to use and what not to...
  7. cackpircings

    how to produce more resin

    I got you dude, PH is the acidity of the water, so you more times than not want to bring the ph down… As you grow a little more you will get the hang of it. When the PH is lower it is easier for the plants to suck their food up, so it is important to pay attention to. Good luck dude. :weed:
  8. cackpircings

    ph down.. how much is too much?

    Yeah, that was the other thing I was going to tell you… I take and add fresh water every day, and my plants love it…. I don’t add nurturance every time. My thought process behind this was thinking if a wild plant was growing near a river then the nurturance levels would be...
  9. cackpircings

    how to produce more resin

    Kind of, just take some PH corrected water and water her good, when the soil starts to get dry again, use some more ph adjusted water. Do it till you see new green growth, then give her a little food, and repeat till you get her back to normal. :joint:
  10. cackpircings

    64 plant ebb and flow sog purple kush and purple erkle

    Ebb and flow is the pimp way of doing it… Looks good man… Too bad you didn’t start from clone! None the less excited to see the end product!
  11. cackpircings

    ph down.. how much is too much?

    I can see the anxiety that you have, you don’t want to kill your plants and I respect that, but just remember that hydro is easy, that is all you got to tell yourself. As long as you don’t try to rewrite the book of growing you’re going to be successful in your growing ventures.
  12. cackpircings

    ph down.. how much is too much?

    I’m telling you dude it’s not that important. I take and put water into a little jug, then put a cap full of PH down in it, and then add the nurturance. You’re not going to over adjust your PH, because you can’t. Trust me dude I wouldn’t give you bunk info. You just give the plants what they...
  13. cackpircings

    how to produce more resin

    That’s because too much of a good thing is never good. You need to lay off the molasses. Plants are nothing like people. Just because you give them a shit ton of food they’re not going to get mystically fat. You just give them enough to keep them happy and healthy. Humans can only use so...
  14. cackpircings

    how to produce more resin

    The point behind stressing isn’t to make the buds bigger, but for the plants to produce more THC…. So when you take and stick thumb tacks into the base of the plant it’s supposedly supposed to make the plant stronger, but I don’t do shit to my bud and its bomb as...
  15. cackpircings

    My Belief In Virginity

    That’s just stupid Old Man bullshit because they were jealous their old lady took another dick before they met… The bible demonizes woman as whors just because they fuck a little here and there. We are animals in the end. We wouldn’t have the parts if they weren’t mint to be used right? I...
  16. cackpircings

    ph down.. how much is too much?

    After my plants are done I get about an OZ and half off each plant…
  17. cackpircings

    ph down.. how much is too much?

    It’s a 35 gal tote from home depot that I made to accommodate two “tables” as I call them. Each table sustains 20 plants, and they flood once a day.
  18. cackpircings

    ph down.. how much is too much?

    Yeah for sure I give the same love to my plants, but I use all the Technaflora BC products. My bud is extremely high quality because of the love I give them not just because of the food I provide them with. I can look at one of my plants and know exactly what it needs and what I need to...
  19. cackpircings

    ph down.. how much is too much?

    My water PH is 7.0 before the ph down. The natural PPM is 38, you know like I do that the water is good in the northwest. I used to not even fuck with the PH back in the day, but came to the conclusion that if I was going to grow bomb indoor weed than I need to create the perfect environment…...
  20. cackpircings

    ph down.. how much is too much?

    I spoil the shit out of my plants and give them probably about an hour a day… Unfortunately it’s been my only line of income since the economy tanked. I am a medical patient also and sell clones and meds to other mj card holders. None the less growing is fun and you’re going...