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  1. cackpircings

    Natural sun + hydroponics question

    For sure buddy! I have grown monsters in 5 gal buckets! You will get a shit ton of marijuana if completed correctly. Good luck… Hit me up if you have any questions
  2. cackpircings

    How do you form your political opinion?

    By following your hart and picking what best fits you and your personality, and having the passion to stand up for what you believe in. In the same since having respect for the person on the other side of the fence from you.
  3. cackpircings

    Bonsai Weed???

    I know dude, I am just telling you from what I know. Dirt doesn’t have a whole lot of variation. What I mean by this: Watering is the same consistency every plant, the variable is the feeding. Roots grow fast and need lots of 02 to stay alive. To small of a container and they will choke out...
  4. cackpircings

    Bonsai Weed???

    En you’re going to have to read up on stuff to make it work bro. For instance it’s not just about watering. You have to have the knowledge of when the plant wants to be watered, and when you’re over doing it. Most of the growers in this place will tell you the same stuff...
  5. cackpircings

    Bonsai Weed???

    When roots get bound up the plants have harder times getting oxygen…. WATERING MORE LMFO dude that will kill your plants. If you’re going to chance growing anyways just plant the plants in something bigger and you will be game.
  6. cackpircings

    Bonsai Weed???

    The yield part: your guess is as good as mine… Its to hard to tell because it all depends on how well you do it. Such as what if there is a problem with the plant? To many things can go wrong, and growing isn’t that easy of a sport if your just starting out. It gets easy as you...
  7. cackpircings

    Bonsai Weed???

    Only a clone will work in a cup (any color). Because they will get root bound. Keep it i in full sun... Again I say seeds will not work in that small of an area. They will start of healthy but will need to be transplanted.
  8. cackpircings

    Natural sun + hydroponics question

    Maybe do some bubble buckets… Low power usage so you can do one big bubbler or a bunch of small ones. They are water proof so you can keep them out side without worry. Plants grow a little different outside, and the buckets will give them the space to grow really big. Good luck man.
  9. cackpircings

    Elite Busted - take down grow operation?

    keep on keeping on :-)
  10. cackpircings

    WARNING: Exercise caution Elite Genetics may have been busted….7-22-09

    YOu good sir have got big balls!:shock:
  11. cackpircings

    Confused on What Seedbank to Choose to the USA???

    Elite is no more... Don't order from them... Googleum
  12. cackpircings

    WARNING: Exercise caution Elite Genetics may have been busted….7-22-09

    FTW... Dude… What does it matter? We all have an outcome in the end, and it’s sad to see that this is outcome for these folks, but this is the country we live in. We all know the (stupid and ignorant) Consequences of our actions. These folks knew the price and didn’t (must not have) thought...
  13. cackpircings

    Found a MOnster!!!

    As much as I would like to see a picture, I just don’t give a fuck anymore. I am so sick of big talkers and no showers. It’s as if people come in to say shit to get a rise. The fact I responded to this is bull shit, unfortunately it’s the only way I can speak my peace about...
  14. cackpircings

    what kind of pots should i use for ebb\flow

    I am ebb and flow all the way… It is too hard to say really… Net pots and clay balls is one way to go about it. Flooding is another environmental circumstance. What I do is use clay balls, coco cups, and flood twice a day. It is experimental, and what you need to do is set your...
  15. cackpircings

    Is It Possible To Make Your Weed Smell 10x's Better?

    They are all right curing is the most essential, but most of all it has to do with the strain… I grow two different types of weed fruity, and skunky. If you don’t give your weed the right amount of time to dry and cure it’s not going to smell as good as it should. Smell...
  16. cackpircings

    List: Movies to Watch When You're High

    Someone already beat me to the punch, but The Big Lebowski is one of the best movies to watch when you are stoned hands down. If you haven’t seen this movie you should. Undoubtedly one of the funniest movies that I have ever seen to this day, hang over is great one as well. I have found...
  17. cackpircings

    nobody grows critical mass?

    It’s possible! The one mum would have to be skunk critical mass, and the other would have to be critical mass (pure). That is what gives you 25 75.
  18. cackpircings

    Yeah I like to come and see what everyone is doing as far as growing techniques are concerned...

    Yeah I like to come and see what everyone is doing as far as growing techniques are concerned. It is neat to see all kinds of different plants and styles. I love to help people out when they need it because I love to grow. It has been one of the greatest experiences that I have ever had the...
  19. cackpircings

    Crop smells strange?

    curing is what will help bring the aroma out more.... Good luck man... Also remeber that you are going to be a little more used to a smell becasue you are around it all the time.
  20. cackpircings

    how to get away with growing( but everybody breaks rule 1)

    thanks buddy, it isnt the same ol same ol.... Nice info for the just incaseums.:peace: