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  1. cackpircings

    What is going on with my plant? (Pics)

    Hell yeah dude binging is the best thing for your plant. Get a bigger bush, because that girl is stretching!
  2. cackpircings

    Russia Making a play for East Block

    Russia will never be what it was... Yeah I do feel they are doing this, but like our country is finding out fast, corruption is the worst policy.
  3. cackpircings

    BART Police kill unarmed man

    THis is horrable story... I am pissed about this and unky sam isnt going to give a shit this guy should be sent to his death!
  4. cackpircings

    Using Mylar on a reflector, will it cook?

    I think I have seen this before on roll it up...
  5. cackpircings

    3000w Vertical Setup

    It’s ok for the lights to move around... I have the same affect with my hoods in my room. The fan makes them swing just a little bit, but hey why not, I feel it allows the parts of the plants to get light in areas that might not get that much light basically moving it all around to even...
  6. cackpircings

    What if most everyone was stoned

    Shit bro I need that now for sure... I hate stoner moments in critical times!:weed:
  7. cackpircings

    the idea of free market capitalism is a joke

    thats becasue the big 500 make the money for the pollys
  8. cackpircings

    Estimated best yield out of this system?

    I am guessing that he was fu*king around with you I just caught the sarcasm.:-o
  9. cackpircings

    Estimated best yield out of this system?

    maybe for the first couple of grows till you get the scince of the whole deal. With 800 watts and a good feeding system you should make some pritty ladies!:clap:
  10. cackpircings

    The CackPiRcIngs Grow Hydroponics

    So all 32 of my little girls are doing great! Tomorrow starts the 4th week and they already have such fat buds. I will post some pictures tomorrow! I am using molasses and I believe I am seeing a significant difference in the mass of the flowers themselves. The Flood and drain is the only...
  11. cackpircings

    Estimated best yield out of this system?

    Like everyone else is going to say there are a lot of factors that go into growing... I can however tell you that if done right you could get a pound or more out of that no prob.
  12. cackpircings

    The CackPiRcIngs Grow Hydroponics

    Yeah from what I can tell it is working. I get little flys every now and then and the plants attract them. They will eat well then they seem to go away for a while. I have nothing but cool things to say about it. ITs really cool to watch the plant bloom as well. There are three different...
  13. cackpircings

    Do Other Plants Have Separate Sex?

    Dude really, do we even need to go their? There isnt very much asexual shit out their.
  14. cackpircings

    Anybody Remember ?

    Of course the gov dosnt want people to have great sights about growing marijuana. Think about the fact that we are a growing community and if it get big enough and strong enough it’s hard to stop… I do know that all things need to come to an end, but people should not be scared...
  15. cackpircings

    What if most everyone was stoned

    That’s would be a lot of confused forgetful people. It would hella funny though
  16. cackpircings

    It's official

    That sucks man good luck keep your haed down and your ass lower.
  17. cackpircings

    600 watt hps??

    A cool tube is one way, but another is a reflector with a cover face. You can also vent the air out with intakes.
  18. cackpircings

    My girlfriend says NO MORE POT TALK

    :clap: hahahahahaha
  19. cackpircings

    First Grow - Pay No Mind to the Street Light in My Closet

    They are looking great man! I love how small your flowering them. I just did this with three of my new plants.