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  1. Ratty696

    White Widow My First Grow

    Well here they are get out your bibs these are some sticky ass buds!! 6 weeks and Its all I can do not to take a sample. Let me hear your comments!!
  2. Ratty696

    Vicous Hand Jobs!!!

    Ive never had a problem getting it up. Maybe you should try viagra!! lol
  3. Ratty696

    Vicous Hand Jobs!!!

    I'm with you. Hand job WTF!! I can do that myself!!
  4. Ratty696

    Left in Water

    Why dont you just flush it?
  5. Ratty696

    Stopwhining's bella and rhino SOG

    NICE!! I gotta say those are some tasty lookin buds. thats gonna be a nice harvest for sure. Nice job!!
  6. Ratty696

    White Widow My First Grow

    Well in that case I'll try and get some real good ones. Lights on or off??? which is your preference?
  7. Ratty696

    White Widow My First Grow

    thanks man I will be posting more pics tomorrow.
  8. Ratty696

    White Widow My First Grow

    Just one more!!
  9. Ratty696

    Help With Cloning Plz...

    It says its a growth hormone. Will keep plants alive no matter what you do to them. I bought mine at a hydro store, but I have heard of other places like walmart having it. Hard to find if you live in canada. as I do.
  10. Ratty696

    Help With Cloning Plz...

    Superthrive!! works like a charm.
  11. Ratty696

    Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

    How long do they flower to finish? looks great so far man.
  12. Ratty696

    White Widow My First Grow

    No thats 6 plants. thanks for looking
  13. Ratty696

    Stopwhining's bella and rhino SOG

    lookin freaking awesome man. that plant is gonna harvest nice!!
  14. Ratty696

    Econofarmers Grow Journal!

    lookin good man keep it up.
  15. Ratty696

    White Widow My First Grow

    This is the best I could come up with for close ups. Day 40 of flowering. Thanks for all the comments guys!! Keep em comin.
  16. Ratty696

    cop trouble!!!

    I think dudes in jail or somethin. Its been a long walk.
  17. Ratty696

    cop trouble!!!

    Soooooo!! Are they around??
  18. Ratty696

    Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

    Plants are lookin nice!! Keep the pics comin.
  19. Ratty696

    White Widow My First Grow

    Here are the pics from today.
  20. Ratty696

    White Widow My First Grow

    Thanx!! Will it still burn clean with the molasses? I dont want it to taste shitty.